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GPX is stuck in the early 2000s. Still making dumb TVs, MP3 players, CD players, cassette players, boomboxes, and portable radios as if they are still relevant. And I absolutely love them for that.

xianc78 boosted

I don't care if they are overused in indie games. Roguelike mechanics really do make a game more interesting such as actually punishing a player for dying and making each playthrough unique.

I plan on making roguelike mechanics an Ioncom staple.

xianc78 boosted

I wonder if we can use the same methods to recreate lost games that were only on cloud-streaming services. It won't be 100% accurate, but it's worth trying.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
We should have fedi instances which allow you to flip on anonymous mode and have your posts come from that instance's anon account.

Seriously, I see some of you guys are trying to push the limits on your edge-posts. I'm not going to name any names, but I see it a lot elsewhere.

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If there is anything to take away from this situation is that you shouldn't even make "joke fedposts", no matter how confident you feel about your OPSEC.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

re: Attention Cyberians 

@cassidyclown The other thing is, while the fedi is lower profile than, it's not immune to being datamined for posts saying certain words about certain people.

The FSE thing a few months ago by someone fedposting where the wrong instance owner was contacted boils down to this. The feds used a firehose feed of fedi posts leeched off P's instance to search for certain words.

Given they had a user with poor opsec, and found this guy from this, meant they had a person locked on to do a deep dive of. Given that license plate numbers are 100% dox material (ESPECIALLY in countries with fixed license plates like where the plate stays with the car and can be used for shit like "sorry you can't drive your Diesel or old car in the city"), it doesn't take CSI tier cyberhackers and malware to find you when they have access to the license database (you might just have VIN access but they have everything).

The feds are 100% aware of the fedi, if not because of because of Mastodon and the Twitter Migration, and if you post dumb fucktarded inflammatory posts targeted to billionares, government officials, NGO employees, and people in power, you are going to be seeing a nice visit from the feds. Sure they might leave when they see you're a bored autist online after you give a rant to the FBI agent about how the post about doing XYZ was a joke bro.

It's like that Tumblrtard who got banned from Tumblr for making "totally non credible threats" about a car bomb to the CEO of the site.
xianc78 boosted

re: Attention Cyberians 

@cassidyclown The #1 opsec tip I can say is this.

Imagine every single thing you say will have your real name and photo next to it, because that will happen if you're ever doxed.

That's the best argument against doing retarded shit like fedposting, or posting edgy crap. Some Poastie was doxed eons ago by a huffpost journalist this way, who had a comically poor sense of opsec and decided to post every username/alias he used to try to gain e-clout. He had something to lose (a teaching job) and ended up nuking everything for posting online about black people and whatnot.
xianc78 boosted
In the US, the Secret Service are knocking on peoples' doors over things they post on social media.

This is terrifying stuff which would never happen in a free country, and was unimaginable in the US 100 years ago.

But I might offer a little bit of advice :
1. Live somewhere where there's a decent sheriff (if you can)
2. Get to know your sheriff
3. If goons come to your door, CALL HIM
4. Either real-name post (like me) or be really good at opsec, because these people are pretty good at doxing and will use what you say against you.
xianc78 boosted
I have noticed a worrying trend in computer science where topics that are have surprising, non-intuitive properties are now taught as “oh, treat this as a magic black box, you will never understand it”. I hate this as people then “teach” by discouraging exploration in the space

I'm just going to say it. I never really liked Akira Toriyama's artstyle. Everyone looks like they have Down's Syndrome.

xianc78 boosted
Why do ppl find n word culture appealing? Like saying stupid things like bruh other dumb n word slang?
xianc78 boosted

Report: Federal Government Asked Big Banks to Surveil Purchases of VPNs and Gift Cards, Transfers to Crowdsourcing Sites


Added a white sword. It takes twice as much damage. I plan on including "rental shops" where you can buy temporary items like this white sword and they go away if the player dies.

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xianc78 boosted


Today I shall show you all how to make Turkish style eggs: menemen. They're my favourite way to prepare eggs; they're delicious, filling, leave lots of room for creativity and are generally so good they almost make me forget Constantinople.


Extra virgin olive oil.
One bell pepper. Traditionally green is used but any color works. Pic related uses orange.
Two red shallots (used in pic related), or one red onion. Technically the onion is optional but IMO menemen's better with it.
One Thai chili pepper.
Cherry or grape tomatoes. Pic related uses enough leftover grape tomatoes to fit in a 14oz Ikea bowl.
Tomato paste. If you have a ton of tomatoes you could forgo this, but I used it in conjunction with the tomatoes I had and it turned out well. I estimate I used about a cup. Vary to taste and tomato quantity.
Eggs, pic related uses 3 eggs though you could go for more.
Cheese. Usually something like feta is used but pic related uses goat cheese. Vary to taste.
Fresh parsley.


Dice the shallots and bell pepper. Cut the Thai chili into rings.
Heat your olive oil in a pan to medium/medium-low. Once heated, toss the shallots, bell pepper and Thai chilli into the pan and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes, moving things around occasionally.
Toss the tomatoes and add tomato paste into the pan. Add salt and sumac to taste and mix the pan contents.
Cover the pan for about 5 to 7 minutes to wilt the tomatoes. Preferably, use a cover smaller than the pan circumference so the steam is concentrated near the tomatoes.
Once tomatoes are wilted, take a fork and crush all the tomatoes. Optionally, you can remove the tomato skins but they're nice in menemen IMO. After crushing the tomatoes, mix the pan contents and let simmer for about 5 minutes until the mixture reduces to a thicker sauce-like state.
Add eggs and cheese, sprinkle a bit more salt to taste. From here you can choose how to cook the eggs to your liking. I've had sunny side up, over-easy and scrambled menemen. Pic related is scrambled because it's pretty idiot proof and tastes fantastic.
Once eggs are just about cooked, garnish with parsley and mix everything around.
Plate and serve with toast or rice.

And that's how you make menemen with a nice, mild spicy kick. Until next time. :justiniangrin:

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