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xianc78 boosted
In the aftermath of the engineered and steered Hurricane Helene, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper confirms that certain areas won’t be rebuilt because the government is BUYING OUT the residents.

Have any of you had an out of body experience?

xianc78 boosted
Yea I know he doesn't work on them currently, but wouldn't his ego still be at issue since he did start both of them?

If he wasn't acting out of malice with his previous rants about Hyprland/Stallman/other crap, does he genuinely believe in his stance? Is he a True Believer™?

And how does that square with the recent revelation of his loliphile/pedo advocacy on his Reddit account? Does he see himself as totally different than RMS's stances? He obviously must see the problem or else he wouldn't rapidly trying to delete everything from these old accounts.

What do you think his motives are? Are they purely his, or are there outside influences? A little of both?
xianc78 boosted
@djsumdog >Then again, it could just be DeVault is supporting this because of his own ego. Hyprland is vastly superior to Sway, so rather than try an make Sway better, he defames all the Hyprland devs.
I don't think he still works on sway. Same for wlroots and probably bunch of other stuff people will attribute to him, he just started them and left.
In fact, I can't picture ddv acting out of malice at all.
xianc78 boosted
🤔 yea I have wondered about this. It is true that, at the very least, he's hosting and involved with the hit piece (and he's written his own on his public blog).

But it's interesting he's not banned on Hackernews (I am, both my personal account and my site,, were banned in early 2021). I do think there's more to this; as in someone(s) using him as a useful moron to try and dislodge the FSF leadership.

The open source world is getting super weird right now. Torvalds just capitulated to government sanctions against long term Russian contributors and called everyone who criticized him bots/trolls. Automattic should have had an easy case against a Silver Lake backed company that was clearly violating their trademark, but instead he's shown how little he knows of the law and looks like a massively insane, deranged asshole.

Then again, it could just be DeVault is supporting this because of his own ego. Hyprland is vastly superior to Sway, so rather than try an make Sway better, he defames all the Hyprland devs.

It use to be that open source devs helped each other make good projects, even if a new project competed with their own. It seems like when there's no money to compete over, and everyone's been maladjusted by social media, the next step is just to attack everyone whose better than you with unhinged bullshit. :blobcatshrug:
xianc78 boosted

Since Bridgy Fed doesn't bridge properly this is the link to the report which details how #DrewDeVault, the author of the #StallmanReport, has engaged in lolicon and pedo apologia, casting doubts on his true intentions in his attacks against RMS: Drop #SourceHut now. #DeVaultReport


The DeVault report

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Can we have the year of the Haiku desktop instead of the year of the Linux desktop? Let's have an actual desktop operating system instead of a mainframe/server operating system pretending to be one. Also let's have an open source operating system where (mostly) everything is developed in-house instead of a bunch of components duct-taped by distro maintainers.

xianc78 boosted
can't believe the drew devault "pedophilia for me not for thee" arc
xianc78 boosted
Circumcision and hygiene:

If you have a foreskin, you retract it and wash under it, end of story.

Using soap is fine, you just need to be sure that all of it is washed away before rolling the foreskin forward - otherwise some will tend to be pushed into the urethra which is painful.

The foreskin doesn't have any magical properties that make it dirty more easily than say, an armpit. It is actually quite a bit LESS prone to smelling than either armpits or ball sack.

If you're an uncut male who doesn't shower for a period of time, you begin smelling from everywhere BUT the penis.

> What about babies?

A baby's foreskin is attached to the penis head (like glue). That keeps out all foreign matter (like diaper shit). As a parent, you have absolutely nothing to do. Some doctors may suggest forcibly retracting it, this is a terrible idea for reasons that should be obvious.

Some time around 6-8 years old, it will naturally detach. At this point your boy should already be able to at least partially wash himself, and you only have to instruct him to try to pull it back - if it hurts, that means it's not detached yet and he should try again later. Once he is able to do retract it, he can then begin washing it. Once he realizes it is pleasurable, there will never again be a concern for hygiene.


If you are dogmatically opposed to masturbation, this is one of few cases where circumcision actually serves a purpose. Firstly, there is never any need for your son to wash his penis so he can pretend it doesn't exist. Secondly, when he does discover masturbation, it is somewhat harder to do without a foreskin.
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xianc78 boosted
On the "health benefits" of circumcision:

> It reduces the spread of HIV

This is kind of like when cheerios sponsors a study to prove that cheerios are good for your heart. It's very under-handed.

The claim is that less mucus membrane, that is allowed to dry out, is less absorptive. Which is not wrong, but it's also not that effective. Whereas a condom is perfectly effective.

The second reason why this is under-handed is because spreading HIV is REALLY HARD. In the worst case scenario (a man with HIV ejaculates inside of you), your risk of catching it is 1 in 20. Any sexual contact less than that, the risk is even lower.

And that's just for one person to contract it, for it to actively spread through a community, the amount of promiscuity needs to be so high that circumcision is just not going to change the outcome.

> It reduces the risk of penile cancer

Well, not really. It eliminates the possibility of a condition called phimosis, which is a risk driver for penile cancer.

Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin remains too tight to retract into adulthood. This is a relatively rare condition and is addressable in a number of different ways including steroid creams, stretching, minor surgical interventions - and of course adult circumcision.

Men with phimosis SHOULD get it treated, but it's rare and not that hard to deal with. There are so many other "rare and not that hard to deal with" conditions out there, that singling out phimosis as the one you want to prevent doesn't really make any sense.
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xianc78 boosted
Circumcision is a contentious and slightly taboo topic - as such, there is a lot of superstition and bad information out there.

Most people either know nothing, or have strong opinions.

Most men are pre-disposed to prefer everyone be like them. Most doctors are pre-disposed to prefer whatever makes them the most money.

If you search "Should I circumcise my son" on google, you will think there's a Scientific Consensus that it's beneficial.

But if you seek out anti-circumcision material, you will think it's one of the most heinous and barbaric practices ever to have beset the human race.

The reality is that the health benefits are minuscule at best, and the harm described in the anti-circumcision community is often overblown or lacking in concrete evidence.

It should be immediately obvious that most cut men live normal fulfilling lives. It should also be obvious that being uncut does not carry any real health risks because otherwise these problems would be well known in Europe, where circumcision is near nonexistent.

My personal opinion is that none of the perceived benefits outweigh the risk of complications from surgery (doctor slips with the knife). This type of thing happens with a non-trivial regularity, and the result are life-altering and sometimes deadly.

Is there anyone here who is planning to become parents and is faced with this question?
xianc78 boosted
> Having to go to the darknet to contribute code to an open source game emulator was not on my 2024 bingo card.

xianc78 boosted
US banned Russians from the linux kernel. Open source destroyed by the state.

It seems like everyone who finally woke up about the two-party illusion went back to being full MAGA-tards after the McDonald's PR-stunt.

There are some valid reasons why people still use Windows and can't (fully) switch to Linux, but "muh trannies use it" is not an excuse.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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