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xianc78 boosted

I've set my name to David Mayer in hopes that it will stop the ChatGPT bots on Nostr.

I think I know what my next game project should be: a twin-stick shooter with Metroidvania/Zelda-like elements.

xianc78 boosted
The concept of people using meme sound effects in their videos as like a form of built-in reaction is essentially the modern version of the sitcom laugh track.
xianc78 boosted

@bonkmaykr I have never overclocked anything but I buy stuff that can be overclocked because it is more durable

xianc78 boosted
After suffering two times this year for about a week (each time) with severe chest congestion that kept persisting without any improvement, I resorted to a course of Ivermectin. Both times, the improvement was obvious after about 18 hours, and the condition was completely gone after about 10 days.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
just learned this recently, but the guy who made Final Fantasy Sonic flash games passed away the same week as Sonic 3. rip to the time Sonic got a buster sword and fought alongside Mega Man X.

All these libertarian Twitter accounts are still stuck in 2020/2021 because they still like to post COVID memes for whatever reason.

I mean yeah, it's important that people NEVER forget what the government has done to them, but they don't realize that most people have moved on, unless your name is Jeff Cliff.

xianc78 boosted
My book quote bot @bookquotebot is finally back online! Follow it to get a random highlight from some book I've read ever hour.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I really miss the pre-2014 Internet.

I know some of you will say they want the pre-2007 Internet, or even before that, but I'd argue that GamerGate truly changed the Internet landscape forever. Now everyone with a significant presence on the Internet has to pick a side, whether their presence is political or not. I just miss the days when you can just simply create something, share it on the Internet, and not be forced at gun point to share your stance on something like abortion, and if you wanted to, you can simply talk about those issues on some separate account.

One good thing that came from the political polarization from the past decade however is that it finally gave people an excuse to look at alternative platforms. Not even the Snowden leaks were enough to get people to jump ship.

xianc78 boosted

> Since the Covid Crisis, there has been a renewed interest in people taking control of their health. This on its own is fantastic news. This is something that’s very close to my heart since I’ve been embarking on my own health journey. As part of this, I was gifted Casey Means’ book Good Energy by my mother. I think there is a lot of very useful and important information in this book. Sadly, it also leaves out a wide variety of important information, especially when it comes to digital autonomy.

Casey Means: 'Good Energy' & Biosurveillance

xianc78 boosted

both the terrorist attacks yesterday were done by us military intelligence personnel

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
A bill filed in the Florida Senate would officially recognize gold and silver as legal tender and repeal state taxes on both. Passage into law would set the stage for the people themselves to undermine the Federal Reserve monopoly by introducing competition into the monetary system.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@taylan @anemone @waifu @coolboymew @urchin Real average salary (converted from ARS to USD or EUR) is up about 300% compared to 2023 in the public sector and 400-600% in the private sector.

Poverty is down almost 15 points interannually. Indigence is halved. Food welfare for children is still standing, as are basic unemployement benefits, with the added advantage of now having a hotline to report welfare hostage situations, which were extremely common during the previous administrations (to the point there are leftist leaders on trial for offering welfare checks in exchange for sex). Welfare debit cards are also now being adjusted to prevent the money being spent in stuff like alcohol and cigarettes.

Child poverty statistics are extremely skewed because the previous welfare system benefitted individuals with many children, so welfare leeches would have many children to reap checks well above average wages. It should not be measured by "which % of children are poor" but rather "which % of families with children are poor", which would give a much clearer picture of poverty in the country with much better numbers.

All numbers have improved since Milei took office. The numbers were abyssmal in the first few months because the previous adminstration was so unbelievably awful that Milei inherited a country at the verge of complete collapse. Massa was the de-facto president for one year and he caused the real exchange rate to rocket from 1USD=300ARS to 1USD=1250ARS with barely any wage updating. He also spent 15 billion dollars of state money on his campaign. Meanwhile the champion of feminism president Fernandez was busy punching his wife and playing the guitar.

It's an unfathomable waste of money, considering in 2016 Trump spent 300 million on a campaign for the USA (319 million people) and Massa spent 15 billion in a country with 45 million people.

Argentina's debt was of roughly 450 billion dollars when Milei took office. The only non-left wing administration over the last 25 years was infinitely criticized for taking 45 billion debt to mantain wages and state expenses. The other >400 billion were all the peronists.

The fact that the country didn't explode in january is nothing short of a miracle. And now the currency is stable, real GDP is increasing, wages are starting to outpace inflation and unemployement keeps going down.

No sane person can possibly say Milei's first year at the helm of Argentina has been anything but exceptionally good, and no one who has even the most basic level of political and economical understanding can blame the economic situation of his first few months on him, since policy has long term rather than immediate effect.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.