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xianc78 boosted

If I ever work on 3D games, I'm just going to use "mitten hands" or just make them literal circles because apparently, portraying them naturally when gripping is a huge no-no.

xianc78 boosted
Bird Flu Outbreaks & the WHO/IHR Pandemic Treaty Push
by Barbara Loe Fisher

> U.S. Plan to Drive the Global “Health Security” Agenda If #WHO Treaties Fail
> #BirdFlu Vaccines Being Developed and Stockpiled
> #H5N1 Vaccine Production Could Be Ramped Up to Vaccinate the Entire U.S. Population
> Europe Already Has Approved Two H5N1 Bird Flu Vaccines

#TheVaccineReaction #NVIC
xianc78 boosted

trying our hand at canning over the 4 or 5 months. So far we have canned carrots, mushrooms, black beans, kidney beans, beef stew, beef chunks, ground beef, chicken, banana butter, pumpkin butter, tomato sauce, tomato juice. We have also done some dried foods. Dehydrated mixed veggies (in the air fryer), and repackaged pinto beans, mac noodles, spaghetti noodle, and brown sugar into Mylar. Here are a few pics. Anyone else here do any canning/preservation?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted


Implemented saving and loading. Game saves automatically every time you enter a new floor, but you loose your save file if you run out of lives.

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xianc78 boosted

This is an excellent write up on privacy risks inherent in #DigitalID systems and includes many good suggestions.
> An individual’s life should be private. Information should only be shared voluntarily on a need-to-know basis. For example, only your employer, colleagues and customers need to know about your job; only your doctor, pharmacy and insurance (unless you pay out-of-pocket) need to know about your medical history; and many people only share their home address with close friends or family.

xianc78 boosted
It's still funny to me that Linus Torvalds replied to Inginsub of all people, still.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Nostrify Moderation Policies just dropped:

(based on the old strfry-policies library, modernized)
xianc78 boosted
War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, And...Government Surveillance Keeps Us Safe!
xianc78 boosted

The voice acting for the game has been completely implemented (with very minor caveats that are still in the works)!

I have been absolutely crushing my goals for the roadmap so far. The tileset swap is up next, and to be honest, I still don't even really know how it will turn out. There is the chance that I decide on sticking with modified default assets after all. We'll see soon enough.

Either way, the game will likely be going into beta much sooner than anticipated. Pretty soon here, I'm going to be putting up a thread for its development on the RPG Maker Web forums and other such places, which is something I've honestly been a little scared of doing for quite some time. With how close the game is though, I think it is time. Even if the screenshots end up changing because of the tileset swap, we're so close that I think now is the time to start drumming up interest.

Before long, the game will be in your hands, and hopefully soon after that it will be well out of mine. This past nearly 9 years has been absolutely insane and I'm loving the progress I'm making, but I definitely need to move on to something else! Which is something else that has been weighing on the decision to continue with the tileset swap or not, especially if it ends up not looking as good or being as functional as I'd like.

Until next time!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Excited to share that Ghost is going to federate over ActivityPub and become part of the largest open publishing network in the world 🎉

xianc78 boosted
Movies also have an affect at pacifying people. You show people a dystopian film with a hero and people suddenly feel enlightened like they can see though the system. I wrote about this a few years back:
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.