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xianc78 boosted
Here we go again. The Fed has spent the last 16 years fueling the mother of all financial bubbles on Wall Street.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

This is somewhat of a vindication of all those who argued in the past such resources should be as ideologically neutral as possible.
It splits the support for building common goods and instead pits people into tearing it down.
Live and learn.


xianc78 boosted

I was looking for a hard drive to put in a trashpicked 2009 MacBook Pro, and I picked one I totally forgot I installed Haiku on. It boots right up and runs perfectly.

Attempt #2 at creating a restaurant quality pizza at home:

I made another New York style. This when turned moderately better then attempt one, but when transferring from the peel to the stone, it got stuck to the peel and I had to manually transfer it, which is why it resulted in this heart shape.

This time I used actual pizza flour, so it tasted a lot less soggy. But the dough still raised more than I expected. In fact it was rising BEFORE I stuck in it the oven because I was preheating the oven so high and for so long, the surrounding area was hot enough to cause the dough to rise. I also used a much better balance of mozzarella, parmesan, and romano, and it tasted much better than the previous attempt as a result.

It still wasn't exactly the way I wanted it. It seems like you really need that high-gluten bread flour which you need to order directly from a farm or ask a local pizza shop to sell a spear bag for you. I don't feel like doing either of those, but it seems like it's the only option. Maybe I can order a bag online somewhere.

Either way, it was a major improvement, but I plan to do better.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Derrick Broze interviews Aaron Day, an entrepreneur, investor, advisor, author, and political activist who is focused on raising awareness on the incoming Central Bank Digital Currencies. #CBDC
xianc78 boosted
At a time when the power grid is being destroyed as unreliable alternative #energy replaces plentiful coal and natural gas, the massive power consumption by humongous #AI data centers is quickly becoming a Black Swan event for American consumers.
xianc78 boosted

Remember this the next time someone says it’s the governments job to protect you

xianc78 boosted

⚠️ Confirmed: Metrics show #Russia has restricted Signal messaging app backends on most internet providers; regulator Roskomnadzor states that the ban has been imposed to prevent Signal's use for "extremist" purposes; the app remains usable with "censorship circumvention" enabled

xianc78 boosted

This week's donation went to the Heroic Game Launcher project. It is a launcher where you can manage your games from a variety of stores as well as those you have locally installed. It is focused on privacy, using fewer resources, and supporting a range of tools such as Wine, Proton, Crossover, DXVK, and VKD3D. The code is licensed using GPLv3.0. HGL is available from various Linux distro repos, as an App Image as well as a Flatpak.

The project's main website is here:

The source code is available on Github:

The project has a presence on Mastodon:

If you wish to help them financially they accept donations through Github, Ko-fi, and Patreon:

xianc78 boosted
In its essential framework, a universal basic income sounds excellent. It would ensure that everyone has fundamental needs covered. However, there is a trap with all socialistic programs. #UBI
xianc78 boosted

Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer: "We have been cooling down for the last 4000 years. It's all about when you start the measurements."

"If you take measurements from the Medieval Warming... we've cooled about five degrees since then. If you take measurements from the Roman Warming, we've cooled about five degrees."

"So as soon as someone tells you it's warming, the reply you give is: Since when?"

xianc78 boosted
Feeling constantly stressed out? Changing up your diet could help. New research suggests that following a Mediterranean-style #diet might be the answer. #MentalHealth
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
god shaped humanity by his image and only made extraterrestrials for us to dominate like we did on Earth
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Realization of the corruption and greed that drives much of our New Normal is motivating a growing movement for #selfsufficiency. Local sourcing of natural-grown foods is coupled with the denigration of big agribusiness and industrialized food production.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.