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xianc78 boosted

Any people reading this who rely on Discord: this is your nudge to consider moving elsewhere.

Where? I don't know. What I do know is that whatever alternative I suggest, you will find a myriad of reasons why it just "won't cut it."

But I also know that if resources were spent on making the hard-to-enshittify decentralized platforms better, they would get better, while still remaining hard to enshittify.

So, perhaps it's worth it to trade some short-term convenience for long-term resilience. 🤷‍♀️

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xianc78 boosted

Hello Fediverse admins/mods,

I need help to collate some Nicole data. I've noticed they're exclusively using emails so far, and I want to make a big list of known emails to send to microsoft

Please DM me with any emails from disabled Nicole accounts

#Nicole #NicoleTheFediverseChick

xianc78 boosted

So I logged on to Nostr again, and once again, the whole "nostr is dead" claims made by the fedi seem to be false. I don't see any bots, CP spam, or any of that stuff.

Granted, I only ever use the web clients and maybe they try their hardest to filter out any relay that hosts such content. I guess the only safe way to use Nostr is with a web client. But honestly, it does feel a lot like old-school fedi just with a slight libertarian bias.

xianc78 boosted
@theorytoe @grey well whoop dee fucking doo it's like when you need to shit you will think more about taking a shit than the task at hand, did that shit seriously warrant an entire article AND twitter post that was screenshot and broadcast to the fediverse by one of daniel stevens' kittens?
no seriously go ahead get constipated and tell me if you'll be thinking about something that isn't "THIS FUCKING SUCKS, I WANT TO TAKE A SHIT BUT I CANT"

Regardless on whether or not the JFK files are real, this is nothing more than just another saving throw for Trump and to put everyone back in the two party illusion. People were starting to see through it during the COVID pandemic along with the events afterward. Trump's second term is just their desperate attempt to regain trust.

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Our favorite schizo painter just published a paper on why you shouldn't trust the JFK files.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
I wouldn't mind having this GameCube if the jewel was replaced with the folloiwng mr. driller art work and the power LED was white.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 Overcoming rationalized ignorance is the hard problem, people gain by holding certain beliefs, and holding a belief not identifiable with any clear group makes you a free space for tribal bingo.

I really hate that people these days think that being a "freethinker" is having nothing but contrarian takes and being edgy about them as opposed to taking all sides and coming to your own conclusion.

xianc78 boosted

Maybe this should also be a sign to stop pushing bug eating.

Oh. You could probably also put the Free Tibet copypasta in the comments to prevent DeepSeek from training on your code.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

If you're using eBay, they updated their Terms of Services, and you're now auto-opted-in to have your data used to train AI. To opt out, use this link:

#ebay #ai #fyi

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.