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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Reposting this video here from community member Hrdl.

This video demos the improved display controller driver for the #pine64 #PineNote, which means goodbye to artifacting and welcome to automatic redrawing on a per pixel basis. As seen in the video, the display runs at a higher (and stable) 84Hz refresh rate than the stock 80Hz thanks to some tuning.

You can find the work Hrdl has been doing here:

Or maybe it is a city. I wonder if it's still populated. It might contain the last batch of truly ethnic Egyptians.

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xianc78 boosted
lemmy makes way less sense than newsgroups i'm sorry
xianc78 boosted
Hollow earth is so much cooler than flat earth. If you're gonna be a schizo, be schizo about cool things

I'm trying to figure out what are those recently discovered, spiral structures beneath the Great Pyramids supposed to be. I don't think they are cities. They might be drills or pumps of some kind, but for what?

Over the years, people have made connections with the Great Pyramids and the Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coil was supposed to wirelessly broadcast electricity and it's been speculated over the years that the Pyramids were for something similar. Maybe they harvested some underground energy, maybe geothermal or something else and broadcasted it.

Or it could be the inverse. They tapped into free energy from the ionosphere or the electric current between celestial bodies (if the Electric Universe theory turns out to be correct) and transmitted the power through the ground, maybe across the entire planet.


Bosses now drop life capsules upon death (assuming your max HP isn't maxed out). During my test playthroughs, I noticed that I reach the end of the game with my max HP still in the single digits for whatever reason. I also want to make it possible to reach a max HP of 20.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

lmao the credits for ac shadows have disclaimer text left in

xianc78 boosted

🚨Groundbreaking Findings on the Giza Pyramid Complex Could Re-Write Human History!

This should not be possible.

xianc78 boosted
_The Great Pyramid Tunnel System Rewrites History_

NEVER assume that EVERTHING is fully known and understood. There's ALWAYS a non-zero chance that we don't know it all, no matter how infinitesimally small that that chance might be.
xianc78 boosted

📣 NEWS FOR #HAIKU: #NVIDIA GPU support coming soon! 🚀

Developer @X512 has successfully ported Nvidia kernel drivers to Haiku. The driver will support Turing+ GPUs and already includes Vulkan integration via Mesa's NVK.

Initial tests are working and show potential for future uses, including AI acceleration with llama.cpp.

A major step forward for the Haiku ecosystem and hardware compatibility!

#OpenSource #GPU #Vulkan #Driver #AlternativeOS


xianc78 boosted

I love the UN. They are so unbelievabely retarded, that they believe some commie game dev, when they say, that they can recruit entire armies of soldiers to die for the nation.

Meanwhile, all the western nations are in the middle of recruitment crisis.

They are more naive towards scam artists then my grandma. At least she was sold a healing lamp, that had some potential to be real. But the UN will fall for literally anything as long, as it can blame video games.

xianc78 boosted
> Odin Programming Language. The Data-Oriented Language for Sane Software Development.

huh. odin has a pitch now?
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
While CBDC opponents championed stablecoins as the free-market alternative, testimony from industry leaders revealed that they carry many of the same risks.

Read More:

xianc78 boosted

we here
also going to take a second to say i hate lax, can never find the damn exit from this place

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xianc78 boosted
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