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I see a playstation controller, I am going to assume he's either gay or still a child.

@VD15 It is a trade-off. Some data dude with zero computing skills can conjure up some blob of code and make the boss happy by pretending it adds value. So you get the flexibility, at the cost of speed and sanity.

Jokes on them, we aren't living in real capitalism...

@prouddegenerate @applejack @matrix @sandy
Its just Instance level bants. No reason to get mad, we are all friends here.

@grips I read the first two lines, and didn't need to read the third one.

Praise Azura!

@DutchCourage @adam
Imagine the progressive mongoloids wanting another bold old white man...

@freemo Ironically the Taser is a weapon you shoot at somebody, and the Stungun is something you stab into someone.

@Jim Is this what legal suicide looks like? Calling it now, he is trying to get himself offed. Dead before September.

@icedquinn It wasn't in the specs, anywhere, that there was a nuclear launch detection device.. has blocked the following instances: for "Gargron needs to garglron deez nuts." for "Gargron, PUT ON THE FUCKING SOCKS. IT'S THE ONLY WAY WE CAN SAVE YOU." for "Images won't load. I got blueballed waiting for an image to download, now I'm never having children." for "Pete fucked my ground beef. That's right. He took his little Peter, his little peete peete, and FUCKED my ground beef. I'm not stupid, I can see the penis-shaped hole in it. You're paying for this." for "Call them because every chick in the precense goes from wet to dry."
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.