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@LukeAlmighty Then hop over to EFTA and do the thing that actually makes Europe strong: Trade.

See also...

@LukeAlmighty While I agree with the messaging in this clip, it using the same song the EU uses as its "anthem" (Beethoven's Ode to Joy iirc). Lets destroy the USSR and replace it with the EUSSR! :blobunamused:

@Aldo2 So the whole cannon fodder cycle, do you have any articles on this I can show my normie friends that make their conspiracy alarm bells go off?

@alex What do they mean with "Trans friendly"? Are the admins okay with trannies, or do the "anti-fascist" demand compliance from its users too?

@Sabex there was a time and place to make 10 hours a day of jumps in a shitty asp to the center, kolonia, and back.. but these days are now long gone...

@djsumdog What is with the bike helmet? Are you an amateur or something?

The downsides of being frugal.

The #OpenStreetMap Foundation spends, even with a slightly more ambitious budget this year than previously, less than %1 of what WMF/Wikipedia does, but is struggling to make ends meet.

There is no threat a la the infamous Wikipedia ads that the project will shut down, but without the funds activities will have to be cut back significantly.

If you consider OSM valuable consider

Today, on the 5th anniversary of Terry David's death I release my 4th annual tribute. A TempleOS-first crossplatform software rasterizing 3D rendering engine.

Featuring skeletal animation, normal mapping, shadow mapping, cubemaps, monochromatic renderer for 16 color palettization, Quake BSP(2) support for light baking and PVS culling. A unique single PC speaker synthesis workflow. Freestanding, baremetal, no GPU, scales with cores, supports everything including desktop and web browsers via WASM.

Download source and TempleOS ISO:

TempleOS first, other binaries releases to follow.

@VD15 Probably looking for an excuse to start an OnlyFans.

@TrevorGoodchild The west? This takes places in the balkan with balkan humans and a yank.

@matrix She loves the fact she is the mother of a son. She is looking forward to the day her son marries and she becomes a mother-in-law.

@LukeAlmighty bones, or reflections from the studio on the bottle.

@Sabex " I asked AI to offend my delicate sensibilities and I am shocked. "

@LukeAlmighty which gen controllers are you talking about? I think I can get that to run in my ps2 emulator.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.