
There is one fundamental problem I cannot get over. There are obviously christians, who take christianity through a spiritual lense. And I do understand that kind of a religion.

But... I have been listening to christian apologists ever since I was a child. And I know, that this kind of a god was NOT what they were talking about. Neither the first mover nor the Pascal's vager are connected to the inner beauty of the world. The eternal hell I was promised and get threatened by is not connected to the inner piece this connection can bring.

So, even if I accepted this God, I still could never call myself a christian. Because I know, that it does describe something different, then what I would mean.

And yes, it is a problem, that I simply cannot get over. I feel disgust whenever I hear christian language. I will pray for you is closer to an insult then a greatful act.

Have you ever heard of this problem before? What do you think?

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@LukeAlmighty yee that makes sense
I was in a pretty similar situation as you a couple of months ago.

What fixed it for me was :weed_bag::bong_rip::roy_weed: so not really sure what advice to give you. Christianity has a specific issue of people treating 1970s doctrines as a given. Before the 1970s, almost nobody sincerely believed in literalism, among other things.

Are you sure?
Deus Vult and indulgences do sound kind of like they did. Fair point. But in the Catholic's defense, they do order the Gospels in order of credibility (implying some degree of non-literalism), which most people don’t know.

@LukeAlmighty I think I understand what you mean. I view it as works of historical fiction, things people made up or actually believed (but were mistaken about) mixed in with some facts. Like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, or Assasins Creed. But stupid people see this shit and think it's real, just because the story involves real known figures. I want to get a 1611 bible so I can see the book that shaped the west.

What are you talking about? I have Jehova's whitnesses 100m away from my door. It's the current christians that push me away so hard.

@LukeAlmighty I believe the church, all the way back to jesus and the other Jews, if he existed, was a club for people who liked stories which were fictional, that they may or may not have believed were fact or parable. I also believe the church of old looks nothing like the church of now for better or worse. Many christian cults is how I think of it. Which one has it right I wonder, if any.

@LukeAlmighty I agree with you the current church people push me away too, because I don't feel safe with them. They're all love and this and that but only if you agree as soon as you disagree it's a problem and they need to have discussions about it with you (domination) until you agree or leave.

@LukeAlmighty the god of abraham is a deeply insecure and mean spirited child with less emotional maturity than the average adult male. there are a lot of good principles in the abrahamic religions but their conception of their god has always repulsed me.
@LukeAlmighty I know a lot of new believers no longer will take the label Christian due to reasons just as you quote, preferring to call themselves simply believers, or followers of the way, or Sprit-filled believers, or whatever. I think its mostly semantics and the devil can convince many to use any excuse they can to avoid the gospel. All I can say is seek the Spirit openly and He will find you.
@LukeAlmighty because they aren't actually disclaiming Christianity, just some jerks who call themselves Christians.
@LukeAlmighty It’s real and why some people never come to Christianity. One has to come to Christianity out of love and truth. Otherwise it is like beating oneself over the head with a 2x4. One sees this with American Christians. Some of the most bizarre and laughably evil things I have ever heard irl came from Christians talking about very serious issues, from suffering and evil to the state of israel and stuff. They seem like broken people. Jews seem like more honest people than them, it can make atheism and libtardism seem very attractive to the average person. I accept Christians as part of my tribe, but I have trouble accepting the doctrine and I don’t always ‘feel’ it.
It felt more real as a child. As a Boy Scout, I went to chapel at camp. It was my only experience with Christianity until adulthood, and it was very basic: Wooden benches facing a pulpit in the open air, on a ledge overlooking a cliff. We sang songs, leaders would tell stories with good lessons. I loved it and it was a very happy time. The only time I’ve been happy at church. I don’t see it replicated elsewhere. Instead I see autism. Cold, distant, almost hostile. Like enemy territory. I don’t open up to them. It’s anti-cozy.
It’s almost soulless. It hurts. That is what I would say. I get what you’re saying. Sorry if that is too personal.

Being disgusted with organized religion and the normies who cleave to it is normal, sane, and correct. Of course you’re disgusted by it. It’s disgusting. Priests and other religious authorities being corrupt is the norm throughout history. As you grow, the more you ponder, what we think we understand, where we think we came from, what we we think we’re doing, the more you understand that we’ve been lied to, by every institution. What makes you think that the religious institutions are the only ones that have never been touched?

This exact topic gets discussed in scriptures extensively, and that’s even within the confines of the canonized scriptures that Orthodoxy recognizes. We don’t need to venture into the apocrypha, various Gnostic texts, or Mormon scripture to arrive at this conclusion, although those also discuss this in even more detail. I guess some good bits slipped through the cracks of their ecumenical censors, huh?

So the trap to be wary of in this mess, is that just because idiot normies who go to church out of social convention or because they want to be told that even though they’re broke and resented that jebus still loves them are misguided and often irritating, doesn’t mean that God is fake or that these scriptures are totally lacking in merit. In fact, it’s also scriptural that the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, or whichever name you prefer for the adversary, makes a habit of putting very wicked, very venal people in positions of moral authority… over you. The archons manipulate us all from every angle and hope to convince us to one of many paths to ruin.

The teachings of Jesus and what's called the New Testament not only remained relevant over the centuries, but it becomes more and more relevant.

If you consider that all "religions" basically require 'scarifies' - some require butchering animals, in the 21st century!

A living, loving God will not condemn His children to remain in the Iron Age.


I don’t have to have priests who do the right thing, I just need them to have the right authority. Their sins and those who they lead astray are on their heads. It’s my job to be the best Christian I can be, and to have the marbles to let them know when they’re wrong.

No matter how often the Levites fucked up, they’re still the Levites.


Personal story about Christianity/religion 

@LukeAlmighty this is why I hate religion, because it is full of emotional manipulation. For some people it completely turns them away, for some people it hooks them. Then you have to listen to a guy tell you what he thinks you should believe, and what meaning/interpretation you should have when it comes to Bible stories, and if you use your ability to pray to God for answers and get something different than what that guy thinks he'll say you're wrong or you are being tempted by the devil or some shit.

Growing up Mormon, for a very long time I was told that each of us had a very special connection to God and could pray to Him and receive answers through the Holy Spirit. In doing this I was personally receiving an answer that I shouldn't be going on a mission, and that my doubts about it all being true weren't just Satan's lies or something. When I brought it up to my local church leaders they all said the same thing, that I was wrong and NEEDED to serve a mission (which you literally don't have to btw but everyone acts like you do, it's weird) and that I should "doubt my doubts before doubting my faith." But I had been doubting my doubts and now my faith was reassuring those doubts were correct.

The more I continued trying to push it down, the worse I felt. It's like my spirit was at war with my social survival instinct. Went through the temple to prepare for my mission and that's the worst my spirit had ever felt. It's hard to describe the feeling... Imagine just being subjected to the worst kind of emotional abuse possible to the point where you can't even cry. That sounds really dramatic but that's how it was, I felt completely downtrodden. I continued on anyway though because where I'm from it was basically social suicide to leave the church.

So I was out training for my mission and I believe all of that started to actually affect me physically. I got horrendously sick, probably worse than when I got covid. I couldn't even read anything because I'd get a searing migraine if I did and I was in bed for a few days. The doctor checked me out and said he couldn't find much wrong, so they basically just loaded me up on ibuprofen and gave me a blessing every day. Then they made everyone take this mandatory mental health evaluation, which should really tell you something, and of course I failed it. So I went to the on-site therapist and they basically told me to just pray and my thoughts of self harm would just go away. Welp, that didn't work.

My spirit was in so much turmoil that it physically manifested, and my brain was becoming unable to cope with it as well. Finally it got to the point where I had to end it one way or the other, and thankfully I decided on going home and leaving the church, which was also a huge struggle but man, I knew I made the right decision because my soul was at peace.

So there's the thing, I really don't like religion in general, Christianity included. I personally think that the goal of Jesus was to abolish religion because no man is perfect enough to run one. It's 100% supposed to be a connection between you and your God. There doesn't need to be a middleman telling you what to do or what to believe, and there definitely isn't a fucking series of handshakes you have to memorize to get into heaven lmao. So I know where you're coming from, in a sense, and I went through a period where I lost my spirituality as well until I realized that you don't NEED religion, you can believe whatever you want to believe. If Jesus Himself looked down on religious people, and never set up a religion Himself, and specifically told people He came not to bring peace, but to tear people away from religion to follow Him instead, well that's good enough for me lol.

I'm not saying you have to believe in God or anything btw, not preaching, just sharing my own personal story on why I think religion is a sham. It's basically just propaganda to get money from people. I talk about Mormonism a lot because that's how I was raised, but it exists everywhere. So I don't blame you one bit for being turned off by it and I think not believing in anything is a better alternative because it means you're actually tuned in enough to distance yourself from bad actors.

I know I'm very far from your conventional Christian too, and maybe a lot of people would consider my beliefs as confirmation bias. Their opinion of me doesn't matter though because I know what I believe and how it makes me feel. I know I don't have all the answers too, so it's always interesting talking to people about religion and spirituality and hearing different things. We're humans at the end of the day and I think the goal is to just learn and try to be the best we can be. If religion helps you do that, cool, if you can do that while being an atheist, also cool. The way I view things, it doesn't matter much and I think it really comes down to the individual and what they value, although my heart does hurt for those who feel like shit in their current position but they can't break out of it because I've been there before and it's rough.

Personal story about Christianity/religion 

That was really hard to read.
I am so sorry for you.

I myself have experienced the problem of forcing myself to do something, that was killing my soul in this way, and making me sick. For about 3 years, I felt sick trying to finish university, but writing a "well researched 50 pages long scientific paper" I knew would be read by 2 people, was driving me insane.

And that was purely based on futility, not based on existential fear on that level. So, that had to be unimaginable.

Thank you for sharing.
Is your comunity now better?

Personal story about Christianity/religion 

Obviously, I'm not trying to compare. I'm just trying to say, that I know, that kind of stress can truly fuck your health up for the rest of your life.

Personal story about Christianity/religion 

@LukeAlmighty yeah don't worry lol, i'm not usually one to get mad over comparisons like that haha. we all experience things differently and being able to relate to each other at any level is good.

well, i won't speak too much about the aftermath because that gets into a completely different can of worms, but long story short it fucked up a lot of stuff with family and friends. i think i kind of took a lot of people with me though lol, after the initial shock of "beard isn't mormon anymore?!" they started to realize that i was still myself, but a lot better off for it. 4/5 of my closest friends, my mom, and my brother left the church a little while after. so thankfully i wasn't completely outcast, but it was definitely rocky there for a while and there are still some recovering relationships.

Personal story about Christianity/religion 

@LukeAlmighty i've noticed a lot of people go to church SPECIFICALLY for the community, more or less, especially when it comes to non-denominational Christians. they all might have some slightly different beliefs on things and they are a lot more relaxed on that sort of thing, and they gather pretty frequently. at the end of the day though it's still a pastor preaching to them and then asking for their money, though. i guess it becomes more like a club with a president than a religion at that point, but i can't subscribe to that with a clean conscience.

re: Personal story about Christianity/religion 

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty While i take a lot of doctrines from different religions. In practice i was essentially excepted to serve the church before god. They served as a better roadblock then roadway.
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