What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
I'll go first.
Racing games no longer offer a tournament modes with progressive upgrade systems, where after each race, you are actually rewarded for being the best with money, that you can spend on getting a better gear.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty they do. The only games that don't really do that are the futuristic racers, where the progression is focused on more and more difficult tracks and your skill increasing to stay alive and get faster times.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty I tend to play more arcadey racers so I'm not super familiar with dirt. I do own one of them though, I think it's dirt rally? I also have one of the old GRID games, I think GRID 2? I'll have to try them out at some point but I'm balls deep in XF Extreme Formula right now.
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Dirt Rally is just an older game in the same series as Dirt 2.0, and the Dirt Series is the WRC game to play, if that is what you want to do.
I also have GRID 2, but I haven't played it that much. Dirt seems to be the only racing game that I have played that makes me focused and pumped in the many last years. I generally do not play that much racing though. I am more of a strategy/management guy.
What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
@LukeAlmighty User interface and game design made for 0 attention span ADHD faggots.
Compass markers, objective overlay markers, simplified objectives.
Even maps in general.
You remember more of the game if there's no map, because you have to, and it's usually a better experience as a result.
Yes, I did complain about this already many times, but half of the issue seems to be the constant pursuit of graphical detail, that no longer allows you to play the game directly.
Also, minimaps are OP as fuck. I tried playing the Warframe again yesterday, and immediately realized, that I cannot see shit, and I spent more time looking at the mini map, then on the actual game, since there was no way I could find shit without it.
So, yeah. 100%. I just don't think the problem is the brainrot as much as an absolute insanity of a modern game design obsessions with incompatible desires for photorealism and ability to play the fucking game.
@LukeAlmighty And another thing!
@LukeAlmighty @coded_artist I played Blacklight for the majority of my FPS experience as a teenager and, because of that, I just tune out minimaps completely lol. The game has a wall hack instead of a mini map so I just don't pay attention to it in other games.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty I don't know man, Non of the Dark Souls games had a map, and they had numerous fairly large areas.
Did the first Deus Ex have a map? I don't remember.
I don't think maps are that important.
@Jens_Rasmussen @coded_artist
Yes, that's how game design works
What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
@coded_artist @LukeAlmighty
These UI changes are required for folx experiencing differently-abledness.
Equity is more important than coddling chuds.
What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
@SirLuke @LukeAlmighty Minorities and women in gaming are the source of this evil, I'm sure of it.
re: What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
@LukeAlmighty everything has a half-assed "crafting" "mechanic" shoved in that usually boils down to "Collect eight gorilla testicles to get a new pair of socks".
I'm not even opposed to it in theory, but games that don't need it keep shoving it in and there's never an attempt to make the mechanic interesting or tie in meaningfully to progression. Every game implements it the same way: All enemies have materials magically spewing out of their ass and you periodically menu together eight unrelated items into something halfway useful.
re: What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
I like the crafting mechanics... UNLESS!!!!
I need a fucking Wikipedia to play the game. Yeah, I am looking at you Minecraft and Terraria.
@LukeAlmighty @VD15 that's what made console edition of minecraft so good! It had a clear list of everything you could make and would tell you the parts needed. You didn't even have to place the materials down. It was really nice.
@hj @LukeAlmighty I've always said that Path of Exile also has very interesting crafting that's very tightly coupled to the game economy.
Players don't trade in gold like in WoW, instead they barter with a few dozen currency items that can roll different stats and modifiers on your gear. It's an insanely in-depth system to the point where people who know the economy and the current meta well can make mad stacks of in-game currency just flipping items into useful gear
What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
@LukeAlmighty what? Need for Speed, Gran Turismo, and Forza all do this. You get money based on placements and then buy upgrade parts or new vehicles.
re: What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics?
Those are the games I played in the past which followed that pattern.