I hope Alex is a dude at least then
@matrix why you didn't setup their sexes manually
@tomie because I'm a retard and I forgot
@coldacid Degrees of Lewdity Watersports mod
@coldacid great erotic roleplaying game, highly recommend it
People didn't let me work until I was 18 fucking anyway, so if the game contains work, it is an adult person.
End of a story.
Told ya
The beautiful magic of "not sure if bug or based".
@LukeAlmighty definitely not a bug
@matrix you're a monster
@matrix if you can get him back that's great
@beardalaxy I'm not sure if I can finance it though. Plus I wanna focus mainly on Alex.
@matrix This was an extremely disturbing and confusing thread, then I worked out it’s a game… now it’s only disturbing
@NanoSector How isn't that clear immediately?
Alex is a girl.....
I gotta reset the run