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Hi, I'm Blake, I'm just some dude online who likes games, food, and other stuff.

@mushroom_soup bosses: look at these stupid assholes, doing exactly what is asked of them. This is basically wage theft. Also bosses: sure, management team, you can just show up to work when you feel like it and we'll keep paying you six figures

>tfw thought my voice sounded effeminate my entire fucking life
>asked to say a tongue twister out loud in a discord server
>record a voice message
>it's actually pretty deep
>I sound British for some reason

Whenever I feel like a degenerate I remind myself I could be just so much worse.


If someone tells you to clean up their precum with your mouth, it's a scam, THEYRE JUST GONNA MAKE MORE WHEN YOU DO THAT
@picandor This pisses me off more than anything. I sell my eggs with an honesty box and so far, touch some wood, that hasn't happened. If it did I'd be employing lethal force because once the trust has gone, it would likely never return.
oh is it not cool to show the barber cropped porn
@mischievoustomato @binkle @picandor Not feeling dirty for stealing is just part & parcel for niggers
@binkle @picandor I love this idea of a communal system where you can just leave your product out and count on people paying for it but actual communists need to understand that blacks cannot be part of such a system or I'm never going to respect their opinions or ideas.

i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i wanna die..i'm no longer young..i

Before anyone asks, yes I can spanish correctly and I know it's just about getting weebs to work in the store.

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