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Hi, I'm Blake, I'm just some dude online who likes games, food, and other stuff.

Okay, so apparently, I'm even faster than I expected, which is pretty fucking cool.

Vimium + text expand macros + mechanical keyboard, triple monitors + work laptop (separate until I manage to get the KVM switch to work). Cushion and lumbar support for chair, wrist rest and mousepad for mouse, etc. I love it.

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Have my battlestation *almost* set up how I'd like it. Just need an ergonomic keyboard and mouse and I'll be in business. Buddy jokes that I have a "command center."

I'm torn between "that's fucked up" and "Holy shit that's hilarious."

Kamala campaign: *releases this photo of JD Vance*
Male millenials: HOLY SHIT THAT'S ME

I need the zoomers to understand that dudes like this were everywhere, they were socially awkward autists but they were generally fucking awesome guys.

Everyone from NJ tells me it's like this and I'm in absolutely no hurry to confirm this

Whoever does the Kitchen Nightmares YouTube channel needs to be paid more, so much more.

You don't hate loocalizers enough.

You think you do but you don't.

I feel like this video needs to be made more obvious because it's not that we don't care, it's that "they didn't tell us, so it can't really be that important right now."

I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to make your life easier; that's the whole point of advancement — to make things suck less. Far too many people have this almost fetishistic thing about suffering through life. No, stop it. Be kind to yourself; the world won't be kind, so you have to be nice in its place.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.