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Tbh, oldschool Communism is better than the shit we have now.

I have way too much time to think by myself...

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Reminder that the "third position" is just racist leftism.

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Do any of you guys have those moments where you genuinely feel that the police know?

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My crush called my cute so it's time to obsess about that for the rest of the week.

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Reading up on Napoleon's relationship with Josephine got my tear ducts flowing man.

He insisted that she be called Empress, even after their divorce.

When she died, he locked himself in his room on Elba for 2 days.

His last words before his death were "France, the Army, the Head of the Army, Joséphine".

One of my fav creations.

The media called him a White Supremacist, so I made him one.

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Their generation(s) seem to think that everything can be bought. Everything.

Even the love/comfort that is meant to be the exclusive realm of the parent.

It's so fucking sad, and yet they see that level of hyper-materialism as a good, laudable thing.

What the fuck has gone wrong with the world...

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It amazes me how many Boomer/Gen-X parents don't seem to understand that actual parenting involves being able to offer emotional/mental/psychological support to your children.

Indeed, a child seeing that all their parents do is throw money at them to solve their personal/private problems is not going to turn out well. At the very least, they won't have a positive opinion of their parents.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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