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Sure, he was basically *spits* AnCom, but as time goes on, especially considering the recent (soft) totalitarian controls getting put in place, I'm more drawn to his style of Anarchism...

There's a solidarity honk protest outside parliament going on.

I can hear it from my room...

Reminder that Yuri's Revenge still has one of the best opening cutscenes of all time.

"It's ours, it literally has "China" in the name "South China Sea""

"We all have to make sacrifices" has got to be one of the most insufferable Boomer-lib sayings.

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What is it with people on Pixiv (and now here, apparently) thinking they can totally get away with having a screenshot from a CP vid as their pfp/cover pic?

Why is it that pedos constantly shoot themselves in the foot like that?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Seriously, are you fucking retarded?

Boomer libs are the type of people that think they sound epic when they tell someone they left a bad review on a shitty website.

That's how pathetic they are, tbh.


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3 million euros worth of Nazi memorabilia found in alleged pedophile's home — The Hill

"He is a smart guy and articulate, but he's a Holocaust denier, he's homophobic, he's a pedophile and he says he hunts homosexuals," lead detective Luis Armond told Reuters. "I'm no doctor, but he seems to me an insane psychopath."

Along with suspected pedophilia, the man was charged with racial discrimination and illegal possession of a weapon.

Mmmmmmm, got tomorrow off.

But working the entire weekend :/

But got Monday off.

But have to work Tuesday 14:30 to 23:00.

Yin and Yang :/

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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