I am so sick and tired of seeing "based on real events" or "inspired by a true story" or whateverthefuck.
99% of the time, it's a lie. It's not "inspired by" it, as much as it was inspired to destroy history or replace people with character-inserts because the wealthy fucks behind it are vain, narcissistic sociopaths who need constant gratification.
History was, is, and will always be, my favorite subject.
Anyone who inflicts those crimes upon history shold be tried at the dock as a war criminal and then executed publicly.
Simple trick to weed-out sociopaths, or those with sociopathic tendencies:
Only a sociopath will tell you confidently that they themselves are a good person. As they are above others, they don't need friends or family to reassure them that they are good. They know they are good, because they tell themselves they are good, hence they are good.
Non-cunts rarely, if ever, will state that they are good people. Most of the time, they ask friends or family "am I a good person?", and let them answer.
Arrogance/pride vs. humility, essentially.
OK, I am this close to just picking up my shitty Lenovo Ideapad 520S and just throwing it from the balcony.
I need a new laptop, like, desperately now. This is just a pile of shit that's barely holding together. The WIFI keeps crashing and trying to reconnect, so much so that I had to disable the inbuilt WIFI adapter and use a store bought one (which still doesn't work as well as I'd like).
Are there any recommendations that anyone can give me? I'm not minted, but, like, I dunno...Anything is probably better than this, right?
Rising star* in the center-right Youtube culture-warrior film-critic/reviewer sphere:
*I mean that sincerely, his humour and views/understandings clearly are more than meets the eye, but obv he has to maintain appearances
"Sure, whatever, fine. I don't care. The labels you use mean nothing to me. I'm not going to cower and tremble and desperately try to prove my innocence to you. I don't care if you think I'm guilty of whatever category of crime you just made up. I don't care how you see me. You have no power here. You can't manipulate me. You can't make me dance to this tune you're playing. Call me what you want, it doesn't matter"
Also, the standard history lesson of "never start a war with Russia that you aren't willing to turn into a war of existence" applies.
The Slavic way of fighting war is to fight as if you are fighting a war of extermination, ala the Mongols.
You fight to conquer, totally. If not, then you might as well not fight at all.
Imperial Flat Chest Empire cleanses a planet of voluptuous iconography.
Holovideo, 3278.
Broke: CoH2 (+ 3)
Woke: Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
"If you're ashamed for being who you are, then fuck off"
Dabbling with transexuality...
Guilty pleasure time.
I don't know man, whatever...