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There's too much content. I cannot possibly watch all the salt mines at once :drink:

@Curvin @Eiregoat @vaartis
> Složení: voda, pomerančová šťáva z koncentrátu (4 %), oxid uhličitý, kyseliny: kyselina citronová a kyselina jablečná, sladidla: cyklamát sodný, acesulfam K a sukralosa, přírodní pomerančové aroma s dalšími přírodními aromaty, antioxidant: kyselina askorbová, barvivo: karoteny, stabilizátor: guma guar.

Seems so, although only 4% from a concentrated matter. Also, I kinda hate that drink anyway.

@Curvin @Eiregoat @vaartis
Also I believe, there's a funny language barrier, since we call all of lightly sweetened water "soda" or "mineral water", while what you call a soda pop (all the dark with a ton of sugar), we call all of that "cola".

@Curvin @Eiregoat @vaartis
Well, in here, we have entire section of every shop filled with 20+ types of it. :D

@Curvin @vaartis
I meant things like this:
17 kcal /100ml.
It's not deadly ammount of sugar, but it still isn't water or sugar free.

@Curvin @vaartis
I see why you don't get it...
Of course I still drink a ton of beer and Burčák. But we also have this demon. And that demon got me fat really bad.

@Curvin @vaartis
When I started my fitness jurney, literally the best thing to help me get over the initial hell was suger free sparkling water. Because if I were to jump straight to water only, I would not be able to handle it.

@Curvin @vaartis
I seriously don't get the obsession with hating on a less damaging alternative to an already bad habbits.

BTW, my favorite modern quantum fact is, that both Vaccines are 100% safe and effective, while also noone ever said, that Vaccine was 100% safe and effective.

The biggest conspiracy theory of all time is, that CIA did MK ultra, killed JFK, Tested Siphilis on Black people, but suddenly stopped doing all of shady stiff 10 years ago.

These people are unironically so retarded, that they cannot understand the 0th level of mysticism. (Being the level, that is so rooted in our physical reality, that we have literally legal terms for it.)

Anonymity is such a huge source of power, that we have entire government agencies trying to deal with it. Because you cannot solve any issue, that isn't clearly defined. Same goes for plausible denyabliity. All the same concept.

Wow... Dokonce už i v česku začínají progresivci chápad, že Identity politics je exclusivní strategie, která vytváří aktivní out-groupy :kekw:

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