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@xianc78 @hachi
Not to mention, that in this case, it would be ridiculously easy. :omegalul:

So, you refused to engage with my comment.

I take that as an admission that either you're trolling, evil or stupid.

And, since you spent so much time responding, I assume EVIL.

I literally cannot even "mute" that particular comment. It's just insane how little does Meta actually care about the user experience.

But wait, that's not all. Because the website itself is fundamentally broken. It took my sister over a month of attempts, before she was able to.... create an account. Because the fucking website froze, before she could put in her password, whenever she tried. And on "reset password" attempt, she didn't get the mail.

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I thought, that I might use Instagram.

I write a few shitposts under reels......

1 person liked your comment COOL.

10 min later: 1 person liked your comment

2 days later: 1 person liked your comment

1 year later: 1 person liked your comment
I recieved this notification over 100 times already. It was a shitpost. So, if I ever want to stop getting info about new likes on my comments, I literally have to delete these comments.

You're forcing me to post Tanya with coffee so often, that my account is going to get heart attack.

And then I realize, that christians have this retarded take, so it doesn't matter really.

1) No, I don't know her name.
2) It definitelly isn't a green screen, because Vtumers don't need it. They can use alpha instead.

Fuck!!!! (atheist ragebait) 

Yes, I am an atheist, and Yes, I do believe that the world is strictly material. But...

It's sad how the siplified word of "soul" is so essential to the low IQ plebs understanding of psychology, that they unironically believe, that since the soul doesn't exist, that means, that Murder won't scar them for life.

Yes, I do hate the argument, that christianity is needed to hold the society together, but MAYBEEEEE...... Maybe this woman would be more afraid of a soul torn apart then the mere words of "trauma from murdering her own child".

Yeah, the longer System shock version is quite amazing, but I am really proud of this edit, so I post it from time to time.

Mimochodem, Okamura je vskutku debil.

Protože argumentuje proti Migračnímu paktu slovy, že chce zabránit nebezpečí nelegálních migrantů....

Tomio... Ty debile... Oni budou legální po tom, co to projde. Budou to stále Muslimská zvířata, ale nebudou nelegální.

BTW, you can clearly tell from 10+ old videos, that this term was pushed by insane people artificially, since 10 years ago, everyone was talking about "gender roles".

Well, what is a gender role? You have 2 genders, each of them have behavior patterns helping the society. And dince not everyone fits these patterns, they can fit more the gender role of the other gender then of their own.....

And then, when people heard the phrase "gender role" enough times, the pedos just removed the word role, and started the grand switcheroo.

I have fitness boxing 2, but I haven't used it in an year. I seriously am too tired of my switch.

But thanks.

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