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Some girls can literally have straight black hair, and still be complaining... :ReimuFacepalm:

The tax payed commedy series called Nádraží was an unexpected gem. Not, because it was insanely funny. It was just average commedy .

Nah... I see it as a total gem, because literally all of its humor was based around racist stereotypes.

State enforced racism... Now, that is the Czech republic I love

The tax payed commedy series called Nádraží was an unexpected gem. Not, because it was insanely funny. It was just average commedy .

Nah... I see it as a total gem, because literally all of its humor was based around racist stereotypes.

State enforced racism... Now, that is the Czech republic I love


Girls, don't be like this. Watch this to the very end, and take it as an example of what NOT to do.

Princezna zakletá v čase 2: 

Doslova jsem viděl porna s lepším příběhem a efekty. Takový odpad jsem opravdu nečekal.

První díl byl ambiciózní komedie, která se blížila americkým standartům. Opravdu se mi líbila. Takže mé zklamání z druhého dílu je jen dalším důkazem, že čekat kvalitu v českých filmech je debilní nápad.

Muslims crying against anti-Muslim sentiment is losing effectiveness just like kikes crying about anti-Semitism.

I seriously love the "debuuuuuunk" of "they used to believe, that pack of wolfs is lead by an Alpha, but in fact, it is just the father"

Wow... You managed to change the desctiption word.... Completely debuuuuunkeeeed.

Fucking gringe unironically cares more about how white the curtains are, then not to shout at everyone. We even stopped giving each other presents hoping it would calm her down, but she just redirects all the stress to other shit.

Fucking monster cannot even leave Christmas alone.

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