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Some girls can literally have straight black hair, and still be complaining... :ReimuFacepalm:

The tax payed commedy series called Nádraží was an unexpected gem. Not, because it was insanely funny. It was just average commedy .

Nah... I see it as a total gem, because literally all of its humor was based around racist stereotypes.

State enforced racism... Now, that is the Czech republic I love

The tax payed commedy series called Nádraží was an unexpected gem. Not, because it was insanely funny. It was just average commedy .

Nah... I see it as a total gem, because literally all of its humor was based around racist stereotypes.

State enforced racism... Now, that is the Czech republic I love


Girls, don't be like this. Watch this to the very end, and take it as an example of what NOT to do.

Princezna zakletá v čase 2: 

Doslova jsem viděl porna s lepším příběhem a efekty. Takový odpad jsem opravdu nečekal.

První díl byl ambiciózní komedie, která se blížila americkým standartům. Opravdu se mi líbila. Takže mé zklamání z druhého dílu je jen dalším důkazem, že čekat kvalitu v českých filmech je debilní nápad.

Muslims crying against anti-Muslim sentiment is losing effectiveness just like kikes crying about anti-Semitism.
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