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@matrix I really dislike the ban on cousin marriage, it really was a ploy to weaken family's cohesion by forcing you to marry strangers and outbreed. Despicable.

Oh no... people aren't playing new games.

Have you also noticed the switch, where even singleplayer games are jumping into perpetural development? It used to be, that a game was released, 1-2 DLC might be added, and that's it.

But now, once a game is goated, the devs instead of making another one, just start polishing the current one for 10+ years. And somehow, it does seem to be working.

And.... I think I love this approach. It low-key allows some games to grow into giants, that would simply not be possible any other way.

Egosoft are total assholes 

They have a great game series, with 5 entries. 4 of them of legendary quality, and one that is a fucking joke. They spent last 6 years working on the last game, and it is still getting new content. It also is unbelievabely immersive.

They released a VR version of the joke installment instead.

People are still arguing over these, so I decided to re-upload them here and ask the local masters of graphics.

Why do some people think, that this looks like a groundbreaking graphics, while others believe it is a blury ugly mess?

We literally are looking at the same screenshots, so why are people so divided over them?

Can someone explain to me the logic of showing me the same advert 50 times in a row?

Shouldn't theoretically a wide offer of diverse ads make it more likely for me to be interested in one?

"I can't believe the Woke Right is saying that pedophilia should be criminalized, you're just proving the leftists right and making us look bad by spouting such unhinged hate speech!"

So, I tried watching the Secret level.
The first episode was so incredibly lame, I am not sure, if I even want to bother with looking up Armored core, concord and Warhammer episodes.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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