Reposting this video here from community member Hrdl.
This video demos the improved display controller driver for the #pine64 #PineNote, which means goodbye to artifacting and welcome to automatic redrawing on a per pixel basis. As seen in the video, the display runs at a higher (and stable) 84Hz refresh rate than the stock 80Hz thanks to some tuning.
You can find the work Hrdl has been doing here:
You can complain about the modern art all you want... But I still guess it beats all the "stone collection parks" we have.
Yes, I get that statues are expensive, and slides for kids need maintenance, but is this really the best we can do? Or, am I missing the usefulness for kiddies, who can play on stones?
>>>Satire account<<<
When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
>>>Satire account<<<