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as long as all the LGBTQQQ stuff had no effect on his life, he was ok with doing it.

This is why I talk about a lot of businessmen being soulless, they separate what they do at work with their personal beliefs and just run with it.

Musk probably fell into that category until that event and he realized it wasn't just a "dude, just be nice" thing.
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The most random effect of a diet 

You know how neets still need to leave the house 2 times a week to buy groceries, or even daily to get some borgars?

Well, that is no longer true when you don't eat.

I hate, when fans of the series cannot gasp the concept, that some things are just rare.

I skipped a day, because I seriously felt ashamed of the sudden jump up.
I am not someone to quit easily, but the JoJo effect is so bizare, when it comes to weight loss.

I will keep on reporting on this adventure. I have not quit yet.

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@LukeAlmighty I was playing The First Descendant and the environments are so boring I was left wondering how much of the game was just automatically generated by UE. It really is a lot less impressive when you can just make a lush field filled with trees and shrubs at the push of a button, with almost no input from an artist, even though that might not even be the case there.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.