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And obviously.... a locked thread is immediately followed by creation of a new one, that will be there for weeks, until someone else takes it seriously.

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I seriously love Steam forums.
There can be PAGES of people throwing insults at each other over political topics, but as soon as one of them starts taking the converstation seriously enough to write their opinion honestly, they lock up the thread saying, that it devolved to no longer productive conversation.

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

I don't say this often enough, but FUCK OFF!!! This is actually insulting to the people suffering to survive.

Přestože Twitter je stále nepoužitelný, obsahuje horu takto dokonalé komedie.

I once read a post that "cis" (normal) people "experience gender dysphoria too", and it was presented as "that feeling when you get misgendered for whatever reason"
back then I even could agree to that, but now I think it's hilarious: so troons basically compare a mild discomfort over someone going against reality to whatever they try to bend the narrative with to groom kids

I just saw some retard claiming that population collapse isn't real and was gaslighting because according to census projections, white people are "right where they're supposed to be" after decades of below-replacement birth rates.

My Hebrew in Moloch, just because demographers have been WARNING about a population collapse for decades and their estimates are panning out doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

This is like in Dark Knight where "nobody panics as long as things go according to plan.

>Democrats: "We need to push the feminist policies, like nullifing the presumption of innocence and female quotas"
>also Democrats:"We need to speak about how to get young men to vote for us"

Good on the Sweet Baby Inc blacklist for slapping Nu Silent Hill 2 with a Not Recommended, often supposed anti-SJW gamers don't dare to call out popular games for DIE bullshit.
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