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>Largely useless
>Makes women happy for simps
>Seems like it has more value than most objects
"Is there a way to carry out mass deportations without families being separated?"

"Of course there is: Families can be deported together."

This is the new border czar.

I'm torn between "that's fucked up" and "Holy shit that's hilarious."

Austrian economics message infiltrating nightclubs now! Exciting times. Crack-up boom ahead.

hot take 

Feminism had killed the concept of human rights. Before abortion, the arguments about the nature of human rights was a pure academic masturbation, but now, that the slide of hand was abused beyond reason down to a right to kill babies, it seems inevitable, that the entire structure might fall down to the level of "I don't care".

Also, thanks SFO for teaching me the importance of me ne frago, since it does seem like a concept, that will get more important in the years to come.

I have watched the Fast and Furious 7 with my dad yesterday, and I love how the series got from some racing car idiots into a currect MCU lite state. But I see, why this is the breaking point, where so many fans got the message that the original is just gone.

what exactly does google think i'm going to be doing this weekend

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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