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I love the fact, that some women are shaving their head in protest. Why? BBecause I don't even know they did it.When I see a woman with no hair, I either assume cancer or really bad style choices. But protest? Nah, I ain't thinking about that.

Older adults act like teenagers and younger children don't know how to get around "bans" and "blocks" or don't know their way around the internet in general.

I think the opposite is the case.

I'd wager that the average teen knows more about and has more experience using private messaging services, VPNs, IP blockers etc... than I do.

Remember when using proxies on school computers was all the craze?

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Got to the end of V Rising.
I switched to easy 3 bosses before the end....

Got to Dracula.... SMACK
So, I looked up the battle. Well.... I got smackes in 1st phase. There are 3 of them..... NOPE. I am happy not killing the lord of darkness.

Is youtube auto-skipping intros?
It seems, that about 1/2 the times I click on a video, first X seconds are completely skipped. That's so retarded. The authors use these first few seconds for context and atmosphere.

Some dude created an organization "for men's rights"...

He cannot even condemn Me Too as a thing, that destroyed lives of many young men.

FUCK!!!. Why do these people even exist? DEMONS!!! I tell you, they are D E M O N S!!!

How dark is your humor? 

> Talking about suicide
> This is a hard topic to talk about, because some people listening have experienced this.

Me: :pepeLaugh3: somehow, I don''t believe you

> I say, that I want a guy, who earns a ton of money, because it's a proxy for him having his act together.

This has to be the funniest excuse fot gold digging I've heard in years.

Damn, I feel like fedposting so hard right now.........

Have a nice and beautiful day.

Exhibition of 2B's DLC outfits in Stellar Blade.

I need this game to come to PC.

@Lana i think you meanthough to say "normal people"
Please delete and correct before I read the rest 🙏

I wish a happy visit to hell for the guy, who thought that associating all links to apps in Android was a good idea.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.