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Watching a new year presidental speech....
Literally the first claim:

Did you know, that hungry childern in war torn countries have it worse then you?

When the rightwingers who dumped Fedi for Twitter get mass banned by niggerfaggot Elon Musk and have to come crawling back:
@LukeAlmighty just think about it, I heard that they want to make a digital all in one bullshit, that includes your credit card, and is installed on your phone

As far as I'm aware, a lot of phone manufacturer just stops updating phones really, really quickly. On top of potential 0 days vulnerability, it's a potential shitshow in the making

Random quick movie recommendations to watch with dad please?

> It is impossible to steal a virtual credit card
An unironic claim, that is being told in a TV advert.

Man, I am so ready for a lawsuit any day now :omegalul:

How do 80-hour work weeks mesh with the whole Judeo-Christian(since they love that so much) concept of the Sabbath, in which God ordains a certain amount of time off for people? The most successful culture in human history has work-life balance as a divinely ordained principle, and it outcompeted other cultures which did not. There's also a clear point of diminishing returns, where beyond like 50-60 hours you won't be focused or particularly productive, and in many cases it's a form of virtue signaling to show how dedicated to the company you are.
tlldr; Kill all these faggot wageslave shills.

@picandor i have a friend who developed an auto immune disorder that lowered is white blood cell count, or something along those lines, working for amazon.

Random but for some reason Brave Leo AI won't answer if Stella Liebeck the lady from the hot coffee lawsuit is Jewish. Weird.

When I ask about other names it works. When I asked for her religion it tries to tell me she is Christian because she wore cotton pants.

Her picture looks Jewish
And when I look up her last name it has "lie" in it and is Yiddish.


@LukeAlmighty Really, people are still on about that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This and the gay cake thing are gonna be things people will forever debate because they're just that dumb.
Coffee IS supposed to be too hot to drink when you get a fresh cup, and wedding cakes are an art form, hence free speech prevails. No gay wedding cake if I don't want to make it.

I just spent 20 minutes reading comments on IG about the famous coffee burn case.

And even after years of education, Burgers still don't know that coffee is hot.

I just spent 20 minutes reading comments on IG about the famous coffee burn case.

And even after years of education, Burgers still don't know that coffee is hot.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.