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I find it really amusing how it's really easy to impersonate someone who's left wing because all you have to do is understand their buzzwords and just have a surface level understanding of a political issue and you blend in near perfectly.

And if someone questions you all you have to do is gaslight them and you'll win.

@VD15 The entire reason they do this isn't actually malicious.

The original logo was created by an artist but it only has a limited resolution so the company paid someone to create a vector of the artist logo so that they can upscale and downscale it with no issue and have a consistent resolution because a lot of printing nowadays doesn't accept certain formats.

Now that I think about it I'm essentially projecting & personifying the Reddit / nidwit, mentality into a villain.....

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I think I created the ultimate stupid and evilest villain imaginable.

A Divine Demigod who's an atheist and complete nihilist.

@mushroom_soup see this is what a lot of men don't understand that women have two values that they judge men on.

You have the good boy sude which judges by how nice you treat them, & generally how nice you are to the people around you and then you have the bad boy side.

This is this side that add spice to a woman's relationship you have to be a little dangerous and a little wild. This is the side that makes women incredibly clingy and go back to men even when it's a bad idea.

That's why men find women incredibly confusing for men it's just only 2 judgment values does she have a nice personality and is she hot enough.

@mushroom_soup whenever I see a woman with a nose piercing or mouth piercing or any other kind of piercing that's not typically for earrings it's immediately a red flag to stay as far away from them as possible.

@icedquinn I mean I think we can all appreciate a nice rack every now and then

@KiKi88 my thoughts exactly when you're in someone else's Homeland you better respect most of their customs.

@icedquinn anytime I want to attract a certain group of people I pay close attention to my wording because just subtle differences can attract vastly different people.

@coolboymew Only place I really seen people roleplay consistently online has to be VR chat & any game that people get consistently drunk in.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.