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girlfriend wants cookies but I'm just going to eat all of them in front of her

game dev 

progress on the map for my little grandma's house remake. you can see the white flowers pop up and have a 3d shape.

i need to figure out how to get the dense flowers to pop up a bit too... I think I'm going to have to turn it into a short wall that the player can just walk through. only the top of their head will stick out.

i also still need to add trees, which will have these same sort of shapes as the 3d flowers do. there are quite a lot of them in this area so it will change the look drastically. in the original game, they are all dead... however that doesn't make too much sense when there is so much life around them. they look spooky, but i think i'll turn them into normal trees.

the second image is how the game originally looks, just to give a bit of a comparison.

@LittleTom How? Wasn't it such a failure? It only made around 7,350

But I guess it was technically a success considering the government funded everything. So they're total expenses were zero and they made $7,000.

@LukeAlmighty I definitely understand what you mean by the lack of nature, but I have to disagree that it does promote exceptionalism because it only picks out the best parts from all around the world.

That's why you have a bunch of mixed stuff with art deco like stained glass, Egyptian hieroglyphics, wallpaper or cut marble.

But I will admit it is probably the closest to the first interpretation of modernism.

@Dan_Ramos oh apparently according to science only 33% of the population is able to do that.

That probably explains why there are a lot of dumb people.

They literally don't have a voice in their head that tells them it's a bad idea.

@Dan_Ramos when I'm bored I'll sometimes make two voices or three in my head that have different sounds that argue with each other.

I'll still never comprehend how some people can't read or think with a voice in their head.

Granted my voice that I hear in my head isn't always consistent most of the time it's just a generic male voice.

But sometimes because I listen to so many commentary channels The voice will be the actual narrator of thet YouTube channel I watch.

@Dan_Ramos I'm very weird.

I'm not religious at all but I enjoy reading religious scripture and also occultism because I feel like religion is inherently valuable because humans are made to worship something.

But a large majority of people my age simply hate religion and anytime I try and bring up some interesting scripture that I read they pretty much just don't care or they think that it's for stupid people. :blobcatstabbed:

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