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@LukeAlmighty @matana @picandor Dogs evolved with people much longer and were much more important. We're symbiotic at this point

@matrix Just consume product and then get excited for next product

@picandor @dave It depends what perspective you take. For the individual it's probably fine, but the genes aren't gonna be happy

@picandor @dave I'm not saying it's like cancer. I'm saying that just because it happens in many species doesn't mean it's healthy. Lot's of things are cross-species

@picandor @dave There is measurable heritability and the birth order effect is real, but the best explanation is the sexually antagonistic theory

There's nothing immoral about it, but it's definitely not a good thing, being made effectively infertile due to selfish female genetics @LukeAlmighty @furgar Spoiler alert: you're as evolved as the lizard is @LukeAlmighty @furgar Fascism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community

Having power gives you the power to get more power. Power centralises up to a point. Whether it's a nation or a corporation

Libertarianism bases itself on a fake idea of liberty, that you're for some reason freer paying debt to a landlord than to a lord; and that consumption and money is the way to fulfilment

It has nothing to do with intentions or interests. There are just laws that always exist, like the invisible hand; but it completely fails when it comes to culture and the things that actually make people happy

Capitalism can give you TVs and cheeseburgers, but you need something else to make you happy, culture, nation, race, something corporations have NO benefit in preserving

@TylerAbeoJordan @xianc78 That's completely made up nonsense. Did you even read it? They didn't even spell chitin right. Normal food like mushrooms are full of "chitine", "metamorphic steroids" aren't a thing, and tons of mammals eat insects, I think most mammals, including monkeys who fish for ants

@matana On Windows it also counts the executables in the current dir, maybe that's it. Idrk

@matana Having something installed isn't enough. The computer needs to know where it should look for commands to run. The PATH is a list of places to look for commands. If it's installed but not being found it's probably not in the PATH. On Windows it's a registry key. You can also just give the full path, like `C:\\Programs\Python\python.exe` or whatever

@mullvadnet Worth noting what the excuse is

Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse

As I've said for a long time, child pornography, age of consent, and hate-speech laws are the cornerstone of anti-freedom legislation

@roboneko @mullvadnet @midgephoto But people actually comply with GDPR. Tons of sites were blocked temporarily while they set stuff up, you can request to view or delete your data on services via dedicated buttons like on Discord and Twitter (IIRC). Some sites like Fox still block me

Тons of free software is based in Europe, including Mullvad here. If it's applied to people running software (I'm assuming so) and not just production, then people won't be able to run distros, host servers

I also wonder how it's going to affect commits from people in the EU to projects outside it

I guess the exact degree of awful depends on the specifics, but it's an awful law

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.