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Brought out a bunch of old consoles and played stuff but my brain can't relax and play anything. I wish my brain could play games like it used to...

Look man, the normalfag half of my brain is is tired of this shit, people care less about a terrible violent action and more about figuring out how this affects the validity of their dogma, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if faggots didn't just pick and choose when violence is appropriate or not. Just fucking be REASONABLE

But whatever my autistic basement-dweller brain says fuck lefties and I will still continue to glorify cool and glorious and non-gay actions of rebellion like 2-26

@beardalaxy Oh yeah I remember seeing that before, it does a really good job of explaining a ton of history and East Asian viewpoints in only 90 minutes...! Maybe with the "post apocalyptic" kind of game, East Asia has been through tons of regimes and rebellions over and over, even in modern history, so maybe that plays into it too. I always thought the concept of something like, I dunno, Hokuto no Ken was distinctly Asian, I mean beyond it being about Chinese martial art fights, but how it portrays the antagonists and the society...

I kind of went zombie mode for like all week and didn't eat anything or leave the environs of my bed or computer. But today I made fried rice at least, it was epick

Is it just me or do a lot of East Asian games lately (especially gacha/F2P ones) have a story that is along the lines of... "Humanity got invaded by something, it's years afterwards, also all aspects of society are heavily militarized now." Feel like it's getting kinda banal but I like all the hot chicks

@beardalaxy It's okay, expect normal F2P skinner box junk, graffics are nice but movement is not pleasant (Warframe bullet jump spoiled me) and guns are kinda bland so far. I eagerly await the blender porn for all the hot characters. It's kind of like a less-fleshed-out Warframe or PSO2.

Oh, and for me also the sound mixing is fucked up, it feels like I'm wearing noise-cancelling headphones and the action is going on outside of them. I can't really find anyone with the same problem though.

@tomie It makes them look "white" so they can enjoy the benefits of being "white" but fall back to "I'm a jew!!!" when criticized

Why do they FUCKING need this, dude, the X button doesn't exit it, I just want to see where I can touch grass, FUCK

@xianc78 It does work well and make the pizza noticeably crispier, but because you have to heat it up for like a half hour I kind of just don't bother with it, me lazy.

Hemstroughts halfmoons straight from the source and drove them 8 hours home hell yeah gonna get PHAT

@xianc78 I used to say it a lot because grew up where it would be part of normal vernacular, but now I check myself. Every time I hear it now it sounds so forced.

@tomie “acknowledge the negative impact” it’s like a doctrine to these fags that being slightly mean to someone forces them to rob a convenience store

c@ :blobcat:

Gotta explore old places in FF before the "graphical overhaul" in 7.0 (which I'm unsure of how extensive it will be though)

I still have to do Endwalker though I've had such lacking motivation for the slog

@xianc78 I went to a uni where whites were a minority, where 90% of my friends were not white, they genuinely believe that the white race sustained themselves on white bread and unseasoned chicken for thousands of years. (These same people can't drink milk without their intestines exploding.)

@tomie Hmm, I wouldn't really bow unless you're in East Asia or you're at a super formal function meeting a super respected person.

@LukeAlmighty In a famous argument about the goodness of human nature, Confucian scholar Mencius said... "The reason why I say that all humans have hearts that are not unfeeling toward others is this. Suppose someone suddenly saw a child about to fall into a well: anyone in such a situation would have a feeling of alarm and compassion—not because one sought to get in good with the child’s parents, not because one wanted fame among one’s neighbors and friends, and not because one would dislike the sound of the child’s cries. From this we can see that if one is without the feeling of compassion, one is not human."

Motherfuckers understood in even fourth century BC, that if you don't have basic compassion then you're kind of just fucked in the head

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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