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@gruyere what's your favorite? call me a heretic if you want but i really like pineapple pepperoni pizza. not that hawaiian combo with the shitty ham. pineapple pepperoni.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

@Kyou i don't have twitter so unless someone else posted it there she probably won't haha. that's okay though!

ended the day winning cards against humanity AND mario party. and my best friend gifted me super monkey ball banana mania :D

good day :)

all over the place i see so many people hoping that the silent hill 2 remake is like the resident evil 2 remake. "capcom pulled it off so konami can too!"

this already worries me. resident evil is an action horror franchise. silent hill is a psychological horror one. you can't look at resident evil 2 to try and make a good remake of a silent hill game. simply chucking modern controls and graphics at it isn't going to cut it.

there is also the fact that we're talking about a remake of a ps1 game versus a remake of a ps2 game. personally, i'd be a lot more willing to accept some changes to the original silent hill just because of how dated it really is. silent hill 2 still stands up today and many horror fans laud it as *the best* psychological horror game, if not just horror game in general, of all time.

there is no doubt in my mind they will find some way to fuck it up.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

> geneva suggestion
Ok, that has to be the funninest phrase I've heard this year.

had a little spider friend chillin on the wall next to me today when i woke up

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

Puss in the boots spoiler 

@matana @LukeAlmighty death is not dead, death is an immortal being and an inevitable force of nature.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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