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@Zergling_man @icedquinn to me, just based off this song and nothing else, they do sound a little bit generic. but i can see why someone would like them for sure, it's not like i don't have generic music i like either.

@LukeAlmighty i am a "centrist" but not out of some "everyone should love each other" reddit mindset. i think that's just where i happen to average out because i've got a pretty wide variety of views across the spectrum. perfect example, who tf outside of fedi hates israel while also hating ukraine? :meru_lul:

@Zergling_man it's the guy you're thinking of, billie joe armstrong. billy joel is a different dude entirely but a lot of people get them confused haha

If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? I'm thinking some black cherry soda, black cherry ice cream, pizza, and seedless watermelon.

@Zergling_man @icedquinn i mean i'm definitely not a normal person lol, but that should say something about the state of things.

beard :meru_dab: boosted
@beardalaxy @icedquinn "Who radicalised you?"
"I'm just a normal person from 20 years ago."

@icedquinn @Zergling_man it used to be the right that censored shit and demonized shit, but it's now the left doing it 100%. they're just way more subversive about it, and instead of just censoring things they're actively changing them to fit their agenda. where an old republican would just want something banned, or take it away, a new democrat will change it to reflect their world view.

from my perspective, the vast majority of my views on things haven't changed. it's the culture that has changed.

this fucking guy votes for KAMALA HARRIS and then injects elon musk and donald trump into every single live show he does and people are like "wowwwww he's such a real punk!! 😍😍😍"

he's not a punk, he's an industry prostitute playing you like a fiddle.

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@Zergling_man "you can't be punk while being against child gender transition! punks should want MORE men in women's restrooms and locker rooms! ESPECIALLY around children!"

beard :meru_dab: boosted
@beardalaxy You can't be punk and anti-government, pro-freedom, pro-liberty. It just doesn't work!

I hate it when the people who have voted Democrat in the past 3 elections, beg for war in foreign countries, wanted everyone to shove a potentially dangerous vaccine into their bodies and lock yourself in a room for the holidays, and subscribe to every NWO belief in the book, claim that THEY are the "real punks." You're not a punk, you have no real beliefs and are so desperate to be accepted by people that you'll gaslight yourself into tolerating and participating in evil.

beard :meru_dab: boosted

The perfect example of why you should NOT rely on ChatGPT for niche or professional solutions.

beard :meru_dab: boosted

Wow I wish I could respond to all these varishangout and nicecrew holiday wishes! :ablobcatnodblink: hA hAh

beard :meru_dab: boosted

@xianc78 yeah he does cool things and even game changing things but he's still ultimately not "on our side"

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