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The Dark Side of Discord's E-Girls

I would not be surprised in the slightest if Discord has more CP circulating through it than any other service, including those on the dark web.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

holy shit my barbarian player just threw his greatsword toward a necromancer, rolled a nat 1, so the necro caught it and then proceeded to dimension door away :meru_meruomegalul:

bro is probably not gonna get his sword back... RIP it was a good one too. it'll be personal motivation to get back at the guy who stole it though at least xD

i just can't fuckin believe that happened lol, so funny

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

I'm so happy to see this, Candy drawn by the amazing @Mondongo25 :baraag:

She's so adorable in this style! Thank you Mondongo! 🥰

#cute #wink #peace #loli #SFW #request #openmouth #bracelet #bag #bunny #plushie #smile #skirt #bluehair

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
ywn chop someone in half with a giant sword 😔
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

>BG3 speedrun at ESA
>estimated time 35min
>run already at 45min and barely over halfway through
>runner updated the game to the wrong patch right before his run
>glitch needed to beat a boss battle patched out
>run mercy killed

man what a trainwreck of a run. now onto cuphead though and look, there's a mayro.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
niggas talk about the Mormons being an example of White unity as if they haven't been running child-rape-and-torture factories since the 90s
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.