@matrix At least the right wing puritanism isn't gonna get my kids sterilized.

@pomstan @matrix
That's a thing only in 'Murica. And even there, it's not mandatory. Just a shitty practice kept in place by nurses and shitty feminists.

I have a 4' tall statue of david in my home office.
@matrix I would much rather kids be sheltered than having them brainwashed into cutting off their reproductive organs.

@matrix glad to be in adult education. There is someone naked on almost every second page of our Latin book.

@matrix meanwhile I was playing animal crossing as a kid which has the manneken pis statue in it. And it pees, too.

@beardalaxy @matrix New Horizons has this very statue uncensored

@matrix Two states that couldn't be more different in terms of what is tasteful or not. I personally think both should be allowed but whoever got their cunt in a cramp over the statue of david should get raped with a cactus.

@Jazzy_Butts @matrix
>I personally think both should be allowed
Nigger what
@WhitestTemplar @Hephaestic @Jazzy_Butts @matrix >jazzy butts
That's the gayest name I've seen in awhile, and I follow somebody on X whose username is LoliThighLoved and was previously LoliArmpitSniffer
@NathanielHigger1488 @Jazzy_Butts @matrix @WhitestTemplar
I recently had someone I follow flashbang my timeline with gay furry porn and it was still less gay than the libertarian saying govt-funded child grooming should be allowed in public.

@Hephaestic @matrix @NathanielHigger1488 @WhitestTemplar How is normalizing marginalized people grooming? And even if it was, isn't everyone grooming children all the time by teaching them literally anything at all, since someone somewhere might find it taboo within their own culture? Newsflash, murrica is not culturally homogeneous and neither is anywhere else. States that function are states where the cultures recognize and respect one another, cultures that collapse are ones that lie, lie, and lie some more, and mandate the worship of a dead jew nailed to a stick.

@Jazzy_Butts @matrix @NathanielHigger1488 @WhitestTemplar
1) Jesus was Judean, not Jewish. The Jews killed Him because they worship Satan and reject the divinity of Christ.
2) If you believe in words like "marginalized" you have been psyopped. People who show pornography and sex to children are pedophiles and must be stopped. Here is one such example.
@grizzlywhisker @Jazzy_Butts @matrix @NathanielHigger1488 @WhitestTemplar
I glanced at his profile to see if he had blocked me and it turns out he's some kind of schizophrenic pedo.

@Hephaestic Don't forget that I also was a race realist and an alt righter who listened to Alex Jones religiously but I'm also an anthropologist and I get enraged when people try and fuck with human behavior and throughout history sexual maturity comes at a different time for everyone and making it a faggot ass magic number like 18 is gay as fuck and I'm a pansexual queer and even I think that's gay as fuck faggot shit. OH HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ORBIT THE SUN IS IT ENOUGH TIMES TO FUCK???? is retarded

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