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tomie boosted

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 no chaser wants a "real love", they just hunt the one single feature and drop the girl the second she loses it (i.e celebrates her 19th birthday)
and then she even has to tolerate this shit like "dO nOt WaNt tO bE nOt FiRsT" from entitled randos like you

@Aldo2 men who pursue *only* 18 y/os may not be technically pedophiles, but they still prey on the inexperienced and deserve to be ridiculed out of the gene pool the same way all other chasers should

people are giving JRPGs a ton of grief for supposedly taking a long time to complete, but giving how much time people waste in soulless MOBAs or looter shooters they could complete several huge JRPGs and enjoy the stories, unlike

tomie boosted I found some of these newspaper pages on the official aespa website, theories? #aespa

>Final Fantasy series became TOO ANIME since--
bro I regret to inform you, your precious Final Fantasy VI or whatever also was literally anime

@branman65 @SuperLutheran her dad never was preventing her from practicing her faith, so no, doesn't apply here, lmao
but we all know that religion is all about cherrypicking what's convenient for you for the moment and turning your back the second it's not convenient anyway

@SuperLutheran barely converted and already goes against her own religion by not obeying her father: they always turn cherrypicking hypocrites so fast

@xianc78 "oh no, my freedom to be an annoying fuck and maybe kill a couple of people in a process" do ancaps really

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy there are no innocents in the Sonic fandom I am afraid

@beardalaxy no, it really isn't, the game literally named SonicXShadow doesn't even seem to feature any sonadow

did they just make Shadow the Hedgehog grow venom wings? what the fuck

bruh they're selling sheet masks with pokemon 💀 i hate capitalism
do they really think that pokemon fanbase would use something like sheet masks

@zemichi someone clearly didn't study lore enough to realize that it's pretty pointless to preach to someone who has no soul in a first place

I've noticed a thing about all avid anime haters: they literally make this their entire personality in the same way other annoying types make their quirk their entire personality
I've tried to give a chance to a couple of streamers by rationalizing that a lack of taste could be an issue out of their control, but over and over they become impossible to watch because any mention of anime launches them into a giga 2 hour tangent where they try their hardest to dunk on anime and it all gives away the vibes of someone actively trying to prove how super giga extra straight and manly he is when he's been caught in bed with a femboy twink
Don't they realize how turbo retarded they look? Like if someone said "I saw a shitty erotic French indie movie when I was a kid so now I HATE ALL MOVIES :soymad: "
And what makes it all even spicier is that they aren't above stuff like playing something obviously anime inspired and then complaining about the thing looking anime or using anime tropes, the audacity

@LukeAlmighty Fio from Porco Rosso
yeah, bro just casually accused Studio Ghibli of sexualizing

a female character: exists
"feminist" youtuber: "yikes, she is sExUaLiZeD"
red flag is basically glowing there 💀

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