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@ChristiJunior @Fiddle @chainsaw_appreciator @LittleTom @c by saying censoring anything is "good", you just open the gates to censoring everything

@Fiddle @ChristiJunior @chainsaw_appreciator @LittleTom @c it worked in the original because Nier was a bishounen, so I'd take that as pure fujo bait, lmao
same with Kaine having a penis and this described as being an error in her super fake body (she always was a woman)
it always was there, just censored by cucked loocalizers, the same ones ruining the games today, the crank just went completely other way
wonder when they also discover this entire series started from a party of less than moral people

@LukeAlmighty I just was on the fence, really, because GTA and Rockstar overall had a relatively good track record, all that hostility against mods aside, and GTA starring a female character has been my lowkey dream since I was way too young to play GTA which I did anyway
but that was up until the point I saw this shit from State of Play, now I also vote to nuke the entire industry and wish for GTA 6 to be the worst performing game with the most bloated budget

@beardalaxy why the shading is so shit, too, sure one is full render and the other is in-game, but the render is from 2001, sure the technology could allow for shadows by this point? Or is Unreal 5 only capable of making top tier PCs lag?
and this character right here is super not the place to insert whatever fake "body positivity" they're going for, her being so withered was so uncanny that I first thought her problem was doing drugs, this was so deliberate and now poof it's gone

would you rather

@beardalaxy @rlier23 @ChristiJunior @rasterman pineapple on pizza is divine
onions are only good when caramelized, garbage with unnatural taste and texture otherwise

wtf, downforeveryone stopped writing "it's just you"?? did political correctness reach this site too??

@beardalaxy the original voices were sounding like a cheap stage play but gotta admit, it had its own lofi charm
the new voices are ass, I can't even make out wtf they're saying most of the time

@LukeAlmighty Astro is the mascot of free PS tech demos, but if they're making full game out of the tech demo that only shows that peak capitalism died long ago, we're well into late stage capitalism
"this game will expose how the controller for the PS5 has been neglected by alot of developers" well yeah, no time and resources for the devs to fiddle with actual gameplay functions when they have to push "realistic" graphics and DEI placation

the Silent Hill 2 remake trailers are SO FUNNY, from the typical telltale "made a female character ugly to pacify DEI" to the deadass cataract in the center of the screen

@picandor and one'd think nothing would top EKT
this year is pretty great for lost media

@beardalaxy @xianc78 parents who stay "just for the kids' sake" while they hate each other fuck over their kids much worse, just sayin'
so I'd rather praise divorce

@applejack @beardalaxy @xyfdi if I ever want to do obscure undefined tasks thru obtaining obscure undefined shit I'll just go and try to apply for tax deduction or some other highly bureaucratic stuff
and if someone reuploaded a random guy playing a game just in order to lowkey bully him, this says nothing good neither about the game nor the fandom

Doom Eternal is 4 years old
Soulslikes are never good
TotK is a mid DLC for BotW with bootleg gmod attached
Baldur's Gate 3 is compromised
Infinite Wealth is compromised
Persona 3 is compromised and a remake
Final Fantasy XVI is a mid Game of Thrones wannabe with literally no gameplay
no idea about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 but heard it was mid too
that leaves only Mario
so yeah, the corner guy is right

tomie boosted
On the whim of the male he created a hell on earth to reflect what was going on inside his little male brain?

@beardalaxy RPG Maker can memory leak?? you learn something new every day

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