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I'm Russian living in Russia. I was 5 when Putin was 'elected'. I'm 30 now. I know that feeling of hopelessness very well. You should never surrender. Autocrats of the world are counting on you being down and depoliticized because all of this. Don't give them an easy win. Always fight, no matter how bad situation seems.

#usa #trump #election #democracy #us #uspol #USPolitics #harris #russia #putin #palestine #ukraine

I just want to say one thing. The reason why Trump won is not third party voters, it's not abstentionists, it's because one out of two Americans in average voted for him, because one out of two Americans votes for white supremacy, mysoginy and macho BS.

While you're doing that math, factor in that nine out of ten Americans in average voted for someone that endorses the genocide of the Palestinians.

Voting won't fix this shit.


@beardalaxy we are already at the stage of society where people are protesting giving kids the ability to hear because it "takes them out of the deaf with a capital d culture"
either we retvrn to the tradition of shaming cripples or they're going to not only puberty block kids but also cripple them more blatantly

November 2, 2024. There’s still people talking about how “both sides” in the US elections have equally bad candidates or something, or even claiming Trump is better because Kamala cannot do interviews or something.


@LukeAlmighty Star Wars fans also were the most anal about canon back before Disney, so

@LukeAlmighty just laying it into your simpler terms, silly
the point still stands: either a happy and fulfilling life or falling prey to a family of schemers

@LukeAlmighty so, in short, Yes He Can Fix Her
but Talia is unfixable

@LukeAlmighty well, in the first book the event "Talia's pussy gets dry" happens when she gets pregnant and Bruce goes into doting mode
so she lies about having a miscarriage and dumps the baby to some other couple
it was then retconned by a they/them and that's how the readers and viewers got the gremlin named Damian, but not like the situation got really better because afaik Talia treats her son like a tool, and a disposable one
meanwhile the second story is a neat package about Selina and Bruce's daughter and how Bruce's love and care and their love and care for their daughter just makes her quit a better person, and that's exactly what happened back in the 70's when she was introduced (for the Earth-2 universe) when Selina just... stopped stealing shit

@LukeAlmighty being Robin Hood doesn't require hating rich people by default; Robin himself was a noble and he respected the king
"rich people are evil" is so basic and a large reason why more modern stories suck balls 💀
for me at least the decisive point is when babies are introduced into equation
I can spoil things or you can read Batman: Son of the Demon (1987) and Catwoman 80th Anniversary book (page 23 and onward)

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