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So I've read Post Civ by Strangers In a Tangled Wilderness. It seems interesting and could probably be better than Anti-Civ or primitivist ideologies (for those who don't know Post-Civ just wants to remove civilization but keep modern technology, unlike primitivists). I like how it's basically for the adventure minded person, and maybe we could be more self-reliant if we start creatively finding use for scrap and broken parts. But I'm still skeptical on how feasible it would be. It still seems like an ideology for someone who plays too many open-world games.

I just wish that the writing wasn't short. They could've refuted common talking points from primitivists and anarchists who still want to preserve civilization but it doesn't. There also doesn't seem to be many other Post-Civ writings out there.

And before any RWer calls me out for linking to an article on The Anarchist Library, Post-Civs reject leftist talking points.

CC: @OldM8


Alright, he is a recording with actual sound this time.

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Enemy now changes directions when at the edge of ledges.

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Reminder that your average deodorant is filled with cancer and Alzheimer's causing chemicals, and even chemicals that can weaken your immune system.

Use only natural deodorant or create your own by mixing baking soda with water until it's a paste that you can spread in your underarms. You can add essential oil if you want it to be scented.

And that's just for the Application cert. There are actually two different certs for Node.JS that the Linux Foundation offers. One of them goes over application development (Node.JS runtime, etc.) the other is about writing microservices and REST APIs in Node.JS.

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So, I decided to pick up Node.JS and plan on taking the certification exam because that's where the market seems to want right now, but when I looked at the website this is what would be on the exam.

Seriously, why do I need to learn this much? I thought Node was just simply a JS runtime that allows it to run server side, there is literally no reason for it to take this much to master.

This is what you get for not holding your leaders accountable.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.