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Added HP (which you can't see) and sprite flicker when you get hit. I normally put stats like HP in the title bar before adding a HUD, but that didn't show up in my recording.

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>Get in a heated argument with someone about historical societies that may or may not have been anarcho-capititalist
>Statist points out that people had to pay a fee just to participate and that there were councils, so they must actually be states
>I point out how the only penalty for not paying was being denied service by businesses owned by the council and that the council was NOT a monopoly on force
>Get called a "LARPing troll" because this guy clearly can't tell the difference between a state and a voluntary association of property owners

I'm tired of getting into shitty arguments with statists.


Added the first enemy. It just walks back in forth right now. It doesn't even take or do any damage, at the moment.

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>Click on some random video rant about Diablo
>Nearly shirtless, fat, not even passing tranny appears on the screen

I never felt a harder spine-chill in my life. I just want to sit, fetal-position, in the corner for the next three hours.


Added platforms that you can jump onto from the bottom, but proper collision detection still needs to be worked on.

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Why does W3Schools only offer certifications for a small fraction of what they teach? Their exams only cover stuff that's in their tutorials. It shouldn't be that hard to make certification exams for them.


Added platforms. To stand on. There are also platforms offscreen to prevent the character from falling in the "transition zone" between wrapping to the other side of the screen. Something to keep in mind when implementing an actual level format and level editor.

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So, writing a Metal Storm clone is just way to complex for me right now, so I'm working on a vertically scrolling platformer instead (something like Kid Icarus). This is what I got so far. You can disappear from one side and reappear from another.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.