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Started creating a prologue for when you start the game. The White rectangles appear presumably because the font I'm using apparently doesn't support apostrophes.

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Added a third boss, which can be hit anywhere except head-on.

You may notice a glitch around 00:35. I have no idea how that happened. The sword is still in it's place after the last thrust but it sets the "active" flag to false when not in use, so it shouldn't be detecting collision.

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Here is some advice for any indie game developer who is drowning in the over-saturated market of indie games:

Port your game to an obscure operating system like BSD, Haiku, AmigaOS4, illumos, SerenityOS etc. There is a untapped market for games on those platforms and you can probably get a dedicated fanbase that way because those people would love to play something good, instead of Tux Racer. It's just like all the indie game companies who ported their games to Linux years before Linux even had a Steam port.

Unfortunately, this option is basically only available if you write your own engine and use tools that are ported to every platform known to man (like SDL), but I think it's worth it.


Working on the end text for the game. It's obviously in a rough state right now. I need to implement proper word-wrapping (the current text is wrapped manually), and have it better timed before the credits.

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Trap door now has it's own sprite and sound effect for when it closes. The McGuffin sprite is now a mirror. (shout out to @Mr_NutterButter for the idea)

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Added a trap door to prevent the player from escaping the boss fight. It's currently using the regular door sprite as a placeholder. The final sprite won't have a keyhole.

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Created a second boss. This one is like the Dark Nut-like enemy, but you have to bomb it once, then it turns yellow, then you can strike it.

The screen goes black in the video because the game crashed due to a segment fault.

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The blue Dark Nut-like enemy can now only be attacked via bombs, finally giving the bombs a practical use.

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Finally added something that I should've added at the start: a debug menu. I don't know why I keep on putting off doing this. Debug menus are so useful, but up until now, I was debugging levels by modifying save files instead.

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In the wake of the Godot situation, I am here to recommend alternatives. Not all of these are engines. Some of them are frameworks, but all of these are FOSS and general purpose.

* SDL -
* SFML -
* Allegro -
* Gosu -
* Love2D -
* Pygame-
* FreeBASIC -
* raylib -

* Irrlicht Engine -
* OGRE -
* ioquake3 -
* Panda3D -

* MonoGame -
* GDevelop -
* jMonkeyEngine -
* Lightweight Java Game Library -


Decided to bite the bullet and add bombs because I feel like I need at least one more boss fight in the game. If I can't make bombable walls, then I can just have enemies that can only be killed by bombs instead. The game is too boring with just a sword.

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