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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I've been hard at work getting the voice acting all cleaned up and ready to go. Guess what? It is finally in the stage of being put in the game!

Here is the intro cutscene with voice acting! Thanks for checking it out. Voice acting will be for select main story cutscenes and is an option you can toggle off if you do not wish to listen to it.

I also tweaked the title screen a little bit from before, lowering the amount of movement and instead adding a small flash to the logo. Let me know what you think!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

The scamdemic and anthropocentric climate change are certainly a combination of psyop turned neo-proto-religion .. and they were intentionally pushed by some for specific interests.

Israel is a bit interesting. The Last American Vagabond had a supercut a few weeks back of Netanyahu backing wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq .. like literally the "7 countries" list Richard Clark talked about in the W Bush days. It could be argued every one of these wars starting with HW's Gulf war was a war for Israel. These wars served no purpose for American/Europe. If true, Israel hugely benefits the Military Industrial Complex™.

..but I still concede your point .. even that doesn't really affect the average American or Aussie or Indian or most people in the world. They are highly divisive topics that are being used to fracture the human mind.

MKUltra never really ended. It just kinda expanded to the entire human population with access to the bullshit we call news.

xianc78 boosted

Noam Chomsky

Justt to nitpick, this bastard who literally wrote the book Manufacturing Consent said that people who didn't get injected with the most experimental and least tested preventative drug in modern medical history shouldn't be allowed into grocery stores and would be on their own for food.

He also openly defended Slobodan Milošević and loves communism.

... so yea fuck that guy.

xianc78 boosted
Is TWKN on this instance supposed to be absolute garbage or is fedi just getting worse
xianc78 boosted
@hazlin I MISS OLD 8CHAN :eimicry:
Furthermore, I disagree regarding inferiority. They serve different purposes. Threads on fedi tend to be fleeting and harder to keep track of, whereas those on imageboards are more stable and easily archived/kept track of. Barrier to entry is also lower; this has its own benefits and drawbacks but given the obscurity of non-4chan imageboards in the modern day and the disassociation with any dramafaggotry I think I can yield the benefits of building a userbase just from people being able to post quickly.
I understand the bot concern but IMO fedi and imageboards both have it rough on this matter (see: the recent spamwave from those gook skids)
xianc78 boosted
Planned boards include:
/v/ - Video games
/a/ - Anime and Manga
/vt/ - Chuubas
/asiakino/ - Asian Movies (e.g. Hong Kong stuff)
/christ/ - Christianity
/tg/ - Tabletop
/his/ - History
/ck/ - Cooking
/scieng/ - Science and Engineering
/g/ - Technology
/scriptorium/ - Filesharing
/meta/ - Site affairs
/fedi/ - Fediverse discussion
/late/ - Late night
/forum/ - International Banter
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xianc78 boosted

Would anyone actually use a textboard if I started one? If not, what about an imageboard? A caveat for the latter is that NSFW lolisho imagery would be banned. I prefer to mitigate the possibility of getting v& by the Leafistani feds for an anon having a Varis moment.

t. Intending on selfhosting

Addendum: My choices of software for text and imageboard respectively are awoo and jschan

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @dielan Ensuring your kid is safe nor engaging in idiocy on the computer should have the same procedure as being a sysadmin wrangling normalfags interacting with a Unix-like system. (e.g. no sudo/root escalation privileges, block any pornography/malicious URLs in /etc/hosts, program installation if needed is limited to local installation, no root password login, etc.)
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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