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xianc78 boosted
@idea_enjoyer @Meat_Mom @RehnSturm256 pretty much
That's why I tuned out of politics. You get nothing and only get fucked
xianc78 boosted
presented without commentary

CEO of Pfizer: :blobcatgendou: imagine the compliance we could get by chipping people
Also CEO of Pfizer: :blobcatonfire: FUCKIN CONSPIRACY THEORIES UP MY ASS

Klaus Schwab: :blobcatgendou: I've infiltrated every level of democractic government

Larry Fink: :blobcatgendou: we just have to force people's behaviors
also Larry Fink: :blobcatdeficit: MY STONKS
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

This is going to be the client that changes everything on Nostr. It will have a better user experience than any other desktop client and works well on Mobile. It was made from Soapbox, a already proven client on the Fediverse
xianc78 boosted

Can someone PLEASE tell me how the ceiling lights in cars are distracting to drivers? I'm pretty sure anyone who grew up before the Nintendo DS or GBA SP remembers late-night roadtrips and wanting to play their handheld consoles. So they reach for the light only for their dads to smack their hands away from them.

Years later, I can drive with that light on and I don't feel distracted at all.

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xianc78 boosted
On April 20, 1999, the Columbine massacre launched a new era of "school shootings," the vast majority of which have been staged events. This was long predicted as a method to divide and bring down the US, as noted by researchers like William Cooper in his book Behold a Pale Horse. The connection to Hitler's April 20 birthday should also not be disregarded in this context.

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon exploded. Killing 11 people (an important number in occult magic), the resulting oil spill lasted for a half a year. This initial fiery sacrifice led to a more profound and sinister poisoning. The so-called "elites" are seemingly driven by a desire to poison our environment. There are a few plausible theories as to why (and several aren't exactly human).

April 30/May 1 marks the end of this occult sacrificial season.

This is an extremely important time of year for occultists. For example, Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival and is held on May 1. Part of the ritual is the sacrificial burning of the wicker "straw" man. The German Walpurgis Night is also linked to the European May Day festivals, and is held on the evening of April 30 to May 1.

On May 1, 1776, the Bavarian Illuminati was founded. Its stated goal was to overthrow "oppressive" regimes. Three days later, on May 4th, 1776, the first US state (Rhode Island) declared independence from Britain. Much has been written about the Illuminati's subsequent connection to the French Revolution as well.

On May 1, 1915, the Lusitania set sail. Its fiery sacrifice of over 1,000 people was a turning point in WWI. Significant evidence suggests this was a staged false flag and deliberate provocation.

On May 1, 1945, Hitler's death was announced. This public "sacrifice" of the straw man was an occult ritual that would be repeated 66 years later.

On May 1, 2003, President Bush gave his infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech to announce the "end" to the Iraq War ritual sacrifice. The esoteric underpinning to the Iraq War conflict was also apparent in the conspicuous use of phrases like "Shock and Awe" which was deliberately evocative of "Shekhinah" (a Hebrew term).

On May 1, 2011, 66 years after the "death" of Hitler, we're told that the great boogeyman of the 21st century, Osama bin Laden, also met his end...yet another sacrifice of the wicker man. While some sources now say it was May 2, many original sources widely use the May 1 date:

Since 2011 was a year of high occult rituals ("11"), the sacrifice of "bin Laden" was the culmination of a triple ritual itself. The ritual began with the "Royal Wedding" on April 29, 2011 between Prince William and Catherine (!), continued with the beatification of Pope John Paul II, and concluded with the US sacrificing its wicker man...all occurring in the 3 main occult and financial power centers. From another old Reddit thread:

"Beltane-Walpurgisnacht. Funny how three city-states of London, The Vatican and the District of Columbia held public rituals. In London, it was the Royal Wedding (Cosmic Marriage). The Vatican dug up the Pope to have a million people beatify him (Resurrection). Then, Obama capped it all off in the eleventh hour with the Beltane blood sacrifice."

See how this works? They're pretty open about this stuff because they think they can get away with it (they largely have until now). But as a veteran noticer, not only is it just getting tiresome at this point, their actions are beginning to reek of desperation. It may be that something has gone somewhat awry in their fake & gay "plans" for humanity. Perhaps that's why things seem to be speeding up.

COVID was a flop. Yes, it upended everything. Yes, it ruined lives and severed relationships, some permanently. But it really did flop. It too was a massive occult ritual, but it was so brazen and ambitious it collapsed under its own monstrosity. Everything is pretty much exposed. And it's not the only "happening" that has fallen flat as of late. Part of this does seem to be about slowly and deliberately lifting humanity's veil.

But the evil fuckers went too big and too hard. They overplayed and now they're scrambling for the next move. It's exciting but also concerning. They're wounded. We can't let our guard down. They're going to hit back hard, and soon, but this time we're waaay more ready. We're armed with memes, after all. And memes>gay rituals.

We weren't ready before COVID. But they screwed up big time and now we are. Just don't ever stop noticing and remember who your frens are.

We're all in this together❤️💪🎶

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xianc78 boosted
PSA: They recycle dates for their sick rituals. Here's a blueprint.

Mid-April marks the beginning of the season of occult ritual sacrifice by fire. It lasts until ~May 1 which coincides with several "pagan" festivals like Beltane/Walpurgis.

As someone who repeatedly warned that the recent April 8 hype was fake and astroturfed, I did so in the context the the REAL dates to look out for are April 15, April 19/20 and May 1.

Here are some historical examples of this season of sacrifice starting in mid-April:

On April 12, 1861, shots were fired at Fort Sumter. On April 15, Lincoln officially called for a militia, leading to the secession of several states and the beginning of the American Civil War.

Exactly 4 years later, on April 15, 1865, Lincoln died. While his legacy is up for debate, his assassination was a ritual sacrifice...the Killing of the King. His Greenbacks have been viewed as a possible challenge to the European bankers who saw an independent US as potentially economically dangerous. These factions were largely behind the push to divide the US and foment a civil war to break up the nascent threat to their retarded hegemony.

On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank. There has been endless speculation about this event and its connection to the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. Specifically, it's often alleged that certain influential passengers (specifically Isidor Straus, Benjamin Guggenheim and John Jacob Astor IV) were vocal critics of the Fed, and none survived. There are eyewitness reports of John Astor's mutilated body, suggesting foul play. However, there appears to be little evidence that these individuals actually openly spoke out against a private central bank, so the specifics of this theory remain rather dubious. But the "Titanic" was undoubtedly a staged event, partly for the insurance, partly as an occult sacrifice, and partly as atrocity propaganda to prime the public for the upcoming planned World War. In this context, it would be easy to eliminate certain powerful figures, and the event's connection to the Federal Reserve should not be dismissed. J.P. Morgan sure was lucky his wife caused him to skip the trip...

In 1955, April 15 was officially named "Tax Day" in the United States. The same day the Greenback-printing Lincoln died and the same day the Titanic sank--both events with possible connections to the banksters--is the day they chose to fraudulently collect income tax. It would be premature to dismiss the connection between these dates as coincidence.

April 15, 1989 marked the beginning of the Tiananmen Square protests in China, another sacrificial event which shows that this predilection for occult ritual by totalitarian states isn't just a Western phenomenon.

April 15, 2013 was the day of the Boston Bombing. Not to be outdone by their Chinese counterparts, the US Deep State staged its own "sacrifice by fire" false flag event. This was another occult ritual and it was even predicted by the pattern noticers. Note this Reddit thread (from April 13, 2013, exactly 11 years ago) that warned a staged ritual "sacrifice by fire" was imminent:

April 15, 2019: Notre Dame fire. One of the most important alchemical/occult edifices in the world is Notre Dame Cathedral. The fire was a staged ritual event.

The next big couple of dates on their occult calendar are April 19/20.

On April 19, 1775, the American Revolutionary War began. The occult origins of the US are well documented by researchers, and some have suggested entire battles in the conflict were staged between occult (often Freemasonic) elements on both sides. Many of these wars are arranged sacrifices to appease certain forces and are part of a broader plan.

On April 19, 1993, the Waco siege ended, leading to the fiery sacrifice of dozens of innocent people, including children. This marked a new era in the audacity of the ritual planners as they continued to boldly stage these important events on very conspicuous days, all connected with the erosion of rights and the mass gaslighting of the population.

On April 19, 1995, the Oklahoma City bombing killed over 100 people, another ritual false flag and sacrifice by fire, perhaps the boldest in the last 50 years before 9/11 (a date also rife with occult significance).

On April 20, 1898, President McKinley declared war on Spain, beginning the Spanish-American war. McKinley was ritually assassinated a few years later.

On April 20, 1961, the Bay of Pigs invasion failed spectacularly with the sacrifice of hundreds of servicemen who participated in the CIA's illegally attempted coup. Kennedy, who nixed the operation, was punished with his own assassination, one of the most blatant occult "Killing of the King" rituals in all human history.

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Which is the most cancerous group in the gaming community/industry?

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Camouflaged by “Covid-19,” an undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, aimed at replacing liberal democracy with technocracy, a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism. The opening campaign involved the largest psychological operation in history, intended to demoralise, disorientate, and debilitate the public. This volume deals with the application of shock and stress, trauma-based mind control, the use of fear and threat, cognitive attack, weaponised deception, and techniques for turning society against itself.
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How did Hamas grow into such a fearsome enemy of the Israeli government right under that government's nose? The brilliant James Corbett explains in great detail!

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#TheFreeThoughtProject #TFTP
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