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EU Plans Major Expansion of Mass Surveillance: Indiscriminate Data Collection, Device Monitoring, Encryption Backdoors, and Mandatory Data Sharing


Replaced the copyrighted placeholders of many of the game's items with sprites of my own.

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I know a lot of people aren't following my game dev account @aftermidnight but I want to share this on my personal account nonetheless because I'm just so damn excited about it!!

The trailer for my game, God's Disdain, is finally here :D

xianc78 boosted

It is with great happiness that I'm finally able to share the reveal trailer with you all! After nearly nine years, development is finally coming to an end and the game will be in all of your hands very soon. I can't wait!!

xianc78 boosted

PSA: how to keep using ublock origin on chrome
a lot of people are using this as an opportunity to switch to firefox, but some people need to keep using chrome for some things, or just prefer it in general. so:

xianc78 boosted

the fact that they still lionize Fauci and demonize those of us who justifiably despise the man—assuming that every single critic of Fauci is a scientifically-ignorant redneck—truly underscores how fkn deluded they are & how well the propaganda eroded their critical thinking

xianc78 boosted
33 health principles that I wish I would’ve known far earlier in life:

1. Water alone will not fully hydrate you. You need to mix in salt/electrolytes.

2. The sun is good for you, sunscreen causes cancer.

3. Natural caffeine is good for you but wait 1-2 hours after waking to consume and never on an empty stomach.
4. Saturated animal fats are good for you, eat more of them.
5. Not all sugar is bad. Natural sugars from fruits and honey deliver vital energy.

6. Eliminate blue light after sundown, red light filters on devices, and warm incandescent bulbs or red light panels.
7. Polyester is plastic and if your clothes, sheets, towels, or underwear are made of it, it's getting in your skin and disrupting your endocrine system. Replace with natural fibers like cotton/wool/linen

8. Avoid touching receipts as much as possible, they're loaded with PFAS.

9. Don't drink from plastic water bottles whenever possible, including reusable ones. Use glass instead.

10. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, not the aisles. This is where you'll find the natural foods/ingredients.

11. Grounding works and will lower your inflammation, pain, and stress.

12. Red light therapy works and will help your skin, muscle recovery, and sleep.

13. Instead of lathering your face in store-bought chemical ointments to treat acne, focus on getting your gut healthy, staying hydrated, and eating clean.

14. Tallow, honey, and coco oil are the best moisturizers and the only things worth putting on your face.

15. You should wash your face with the same soap you use to wash your balls - tallow or olive oil-based

16. Steak and eggs don't cause heart disease, seed oils do.

17. Raw milk cures lactose intolerance and is extremely nutrient-dense.

18. Eat more oysters.

19. If it's not raw honey, don't bother eating it. Heating (pasteurizing) honey kills most of its beneficial nutrients.

20. That being said, raw honey is one of the most life-giving substances on earth.

21. Choose your salt carefully, most are full of microplastics and lack any beneficial minerals.

22. The closer your food is to its natural state in Mother Nature, the better it is for you.

23. Don't sleep next to wifi emitting devices or keep them in your pockets all day. Remove them from your room of completely turn off wifi at night.

24. A good reverse osmosis water filter is one of the best investments you can make for your health.

25. Shampoo is a scam. Get a water filter on your showerhead, rub a raw egg yolk into your scalp once a week, and use a small dab of coco or olive oil as a leave-in conditioner. Your hair will be healthier and more lustrous than ever.

26. Never use plastic cooking utensils or non-stick pans. Replace them all with wood, stainless steel, and/or cast iron.

27. You cannot eat too much steak. Simply smile, nod, and ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.

28. Mobility, balance, and flexibility are keys to living a long, independent life. It doesn't matter how strong you are in the gym if you lack in these areas.

29. Breathwork and meditation are the building blocks of a calm, resilient mind. Practice them every day.

30. Pornography is a bioweapon.

31. Seed oils are engine lubricants, not food.

32. Veganism is not a healthy diet. It lacks sustainability and essential nutrients.

33. Consistent high-intensity training will not help you burn fat. Diet and building healthy mitochondria through zone 2 cardio will.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Violations of the Constitution that incrementally increase in both number and severity over time are the slippery slope to a Banana Republic. Each one that is accepted serves as precedent on which the next one can comfortably rest.
xianc78 boosted
Suppressed science: Garlic proven to kill brain cancer cells without side effects

(NaturalNews) First comes a guy curing his stage 4 prostate cancer with baking soda. Next a woman cures her cancer with carrot juice while some time ago a UK farmer cured his cancer with wheat grass juice. Now there's an obscure study proving garlic kills brain cancer cells without side effects.

There's no money in any of that - only healing. Darn! How's the cancer industry going to exploit cancer victims and create huge fund raising revenues if this type of news gets out?

A small group of researchers at Medical University of South Carolina discovered something that's useful for anyone willing to properly consume lots of garlic. They discovered that certain organo-sulfur compounds in garlic do kill brain cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells.

But they did this in 2007! It didn't get much mainstream press, if any. Did we miss something? Maybe Big Pharma is trying to figure out how to create those compounds synthetically to get a patent and pay the FDA for approval after offering dubious papers from sketchy trials.

Whether it's useful for the cancer industry remains to be seen. But the results of this study haven't received much if any attention from the mainstream press. Apparently, there wasn't even a ripple within the medical establishment.

Instead of using the study to further explore natural methods of nipping brain cancer in the bud, the cancer industry encourages beginning "proven medical treatments" as early as possible. Treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy offer 15 months or fewer of practicing efficient drool cup use before dying. But these "treatments" are proven money makers.

About that obscure garlic brain cancer study

Three researchers teamed up in South Carolina for an in vitro analysis of what three natural garlic compounds can do to brain cancer cells, specifically glioblastoma, the fastest growing brain cancer tumor common to adults. Two types of glioblastoma cancer cells were cultured, and three sulfur compounds from garlic were administered into the culture.

The compounds were diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS), and diallyl trisulfide (DATS). All three provided cytotoxic (cancer killing) effects, especially DATS, which "induced cell death via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and a mitochondria-mediated pathway".

These compounds are able to get through the blood brain barrier to induce cancer cell apoptosis and prevent future cell growth.

Interestingly, what's implied from the background of the study abstract (sourced below) is that the protection against carcinogenesis provided by these garlic sulfur compounds was already known.

The researchers were attempting to determine the mechanics of how these compounds were so protective.

They found out how and more. They isolated the exact mechanics, detailed in the full study text below, and determined that these compounds are more than protective. They do what currently accepted brain cancer treatments are supposed to do but don't, while leaving other healthy cells alone which those "standard of care" treatments also don't.

It's recommended that one peels open garlic cloves and exposes them to air for 15 minutes or so to release those compounds. Some even say crush them for more exposure, then consume them raw to get the full benefits. This may not seem inviting to most. But is sure beats a slow agonizing death with a drool cup.

Sources for this article include:

The article that brought this to my attention by Doctor Dave Mihalovic

Study - abstract

Study - full text

Tips on eating garlic


The final boss now shoots projectiles at the player. I tried adjusting the timing of when the boss shoots the projectiles, but I either have the boss fight being to easy or it being borderline impossible. I should probably accept that the game will have an anti-climatic boss fight.

I thought about having the boss drop some McGuffin item that will end the game, instead of just opening the staircase, but I don't know what kind of item it should be.

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xianc78 boosted

hot take @ people with more than 3 pinned posts on their profile:

get a website

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.