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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

lol, a way to bypass the Microsoft account requirement in Windows 11 - type username, any password, and it bumps you to local account creation.

* "Fire Biden" = 72 (Ordinal) / 54 (Reduction / Reverse Reduction)
* Jesuit Order = 72 (Reverse Reduction) / 54 (Reduction)

This news comes on February 25th, the 56th day in the year
* Society of Jesus = 56 (Reduction)

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

just in case any of you are still using project64 1.6 for some godforsaken reason, PLEASE SWITCH TO SOMETHING NEWER AND BETTER. there has been a vulnerability found that will let people inject viruses into your system through roms.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
for the people waiting, the liberty lake, wa dirt cheap yearly VPS are available again. this will be the last time for these so if you want one nows the time to get it. there will be a flash sale for the PA datacenter in a couple weeks then thats it for all of them

I'm really starting to hate the term "controlled opposition" not because I don't think it exists because it clearly does. I'm literally the one who points out how nearly every major world event is a psyop for crying out loud.

I just really hate how it is abused. It's now used by those to attack anyone who only partially agrees with them, or to blackwash them so people won't take them seriously.

The truth is, you can never truly know who is or isn't controlled opposition. You need to come to your own conclusion. And even if someone is controlled op, they still can be right about some things. A broken clock is right at least twice a day. And someone being wrong might mean that they are just misinformed. You can still listen to them why still keeping a critical mind.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I almost feel like this has actually been eroding my friendships over the last 4 or 5 years. Everyone always wants to play the new hot game that is out, I'll try it and not really be into it too much and they'll keep playing it with people from work or whatever. I keep trying to ask if they want to play games with me that I enjoy, even ones we used to play together, but it never happens :P It's more or less gotten to the point where I don't even try out most new games anymore since I know I'll probably play them twice, think they're just okay, and then within the next month something else new comes out that everyone switches to anyway. My friends I've had for over a decade are now better friends with people they've known for like 3 or 4 years than they are with me. I know people change and friend groups change and stuff, it's part of life, but having nobody IRL that enjoys the same stuff as you kinda sucks. I don't even try to be a hipster or anything. I'm not trying to be actively against popular stuff. I don't even think things being popular is why I stay away from them. I think my tastes just often REALLY don't align with any larger community.

xianc78 boosted

Debating on the internet is insane, because people never want to accept what you are actually talking about. They decided the topic long before you wrote your first message and they cannot be talked out of it.

xianc78 boosted
Has anyone messed with Handshake? It's yet another Blockchain domains, but Namecheap lists them.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I don't have too much to share at the moment, but I have started finalizing the voice tracks. It's coming along swimmingly.

Here is a little appetizer of what you'll be hearing during the game's main story cutscenes! What could be emitting these strange energy waves?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

My sister just sent me this Look like Fire Tax is Coming
My town, the neighboring town, and the village in my town seem to want a Fire District Likely due to funding reasons I'm guessing the Volunteer Dept asked for this They haven't done any fundraising since COVID lockdowns Gotta hurt them financially in a big way Now looking for more government to solve the issue

xianc78 boosted

@beardalaxy @graf Uploads have now been implemented along with logos and screenshots. I just need to include tags, patch any possible exploits, and then I can move onto mods.

xianc78 boosted

Samuel Edward Konkin III - the founder of agorism, died 20 yrs ago today.

Here are 5 books on his philosophy everyone should read-

1. Anti-Politics
2. New Libertarian Manifesto, SEK3
3. Agorist Primer, SEK3
4. Alongside Night, J. Neil Schulman
5. Community Technology, Karl Hess

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.