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xianc78 boosted
Tencent is looking to buyout Ubisoft. If they do I still won't buy their games. I am not putting Chinese spyware on my pc.
xianc78 boosted
what if there were a bank that took deposits and converted them into gold or silver at time of deposit, and then your balance was shown in lbs & oz, and withdrawals were based on current metal prices + some service fee to keep the operation running


The blue Dark Nut-like enemy can now only be attacked via bombs, finally giving the bombs a practical use.

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The US government created Hurricane Helene via geo-engineering and weather modification as part of their depopulation plan. That's why they aren't sending aid.

I realized that what really makes you a bad gamedev is not being terrible at programming, level design, or art, but rather having not played enough games in various genres to fully appreciate the medium.

xianc78 boosted
The widespread use of biometrics also raises significant privacy concerns. Unlike passwords or other credentials, biometric data such as DNA is immutable—you can’t change it once it’s compromised.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The United Nations and its member governments, with strong support from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), adopted a landmark agreement last week to bestow the U.N. with more power and influence in global affairs.
xianc78 boosted
A new study has determined that breast cancer rates are increasing among young women. There’s no doubt that genetics can play a role but exposure to environmental toxins – including cell phones and other sources of wireless radiation - can play a role too!
xianc78 boosted
Private citizens are bringing out as many helicopters as possible and crowdfunding the cost of fuel, yet the head of state of the largest, most powerful government in human history says he's done all he can do.
xianc78 boosted

こちらは SHARP X68030 の NetBSD/x68k の sixelサポートコンソールでの sayakaさんによる タイムライン。16色でCRTという展示が見られるのはここだけです! #osc24hi

xianc78 boosted
The first priority of the HAM redditor is to seethe that this guy transmitting on a net asking for water didn't have a license.
One might wonder, if a hurricane is not sufficient enough to temporarily ignore the rules, what emergency in the minds of the HAM operator is?

I am sick of the "nothing ever happens" meme. In fact, I'm sick of every meme that became popular post-COVID.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@xianc78 "hey guys, check out all the games that you can't legally purchase from us anymore!"

The Nintendo Museum opened up yesterday, and tickets are randomly picked lottery style. I honestly can't tell if they did this out of greed or they knew that this place would be extremely crowded as there are no plans for one outside of Japan.

Honestly, other than being in a former Nintendo factory, this place doesn't seem special at all. It's no different to a Video Game Museum in Texas that I've been to. In fact, I think they copied the whole "play retro games with giant controllers" from the giant Pong console in that museum.

xianc78 boosted
>Crazy Taxi
>Live Service
>Battle Royale

Another one off the list. Sega really has a habit of getting victory snatched by the jaws of defeat.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.