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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
YouTube shorts is like fucking the biggest mindrot holy shit I actually need a extension to block it or something.
xianc78 boosted

>clear net site selling drugs
>accepts Bitcoin
>recommends buying it from an exchange


Working on the end text for the game. It's obviously in a rough state right now. I need to implement proper word-wrapping (the current text is wrapped manually), and have it better timed before the credits.

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I can't believe this guy literally sacrificed his rare, almost half-year of freetime just to work on an unmonetized YouTube channel, but he is the only guy I could think of who would do this.

However, he sacrificed a rare opportunity to travel the world, something he did mention, but I guess there were still some countries with COVID restrictions at the time, so I guess it made sense.

xianc78 boosted

@xianc78 flat earthers were made by the CIA to disc credit anyone by claiming that all conspiracy theorist's are just as retarded as them.

>Links an interactive flat earth model in an attempt to prove the flat earth
>Author openly claims it's meant to prove how flat-earth mathematically doesn't make sense.

xianc78 boosted
@cvnt @xianc78 @cjd @nicol yeah electric motors are no joke, that's why locomotives use a diesel generator to drive an electric motor.

The problem is that if you use a cybertruck to tow as an example, the real issue is that the range absolutely sucks. Some YouTuber did a test, it'll out tow a Cummins in a mountain at higher speeds, but then your battery is absolutely drained from doing so while the Cummins can go farther on a single tank.

EVs are never going to replace diesel or gas trucks, period. It's more likely you'll see gas engines in big trucks due to the lower maintenance costs.
xianc78 boosted
A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Lab-grown meat is proving to be a spectacular failure, and producers are becoming so desperate that many are pushing for a public subsidy to stay afloat.

Preliminary data from the venture capital firm AgFunder shows that funding in the lab meats sector fell by 78% in 2023 to reach $177 million, down from $807 million in 2022 and a peak of $989 million in 2021.

In response to the steep drop in investments, many lab meat startups have been slashing staff numbers and consolidating operations, while others are closing their doors entirely. Now, they want taxpayers to shoulder the burden of helping them right the ship after taking a chance on something that many of us knew from the start was doomed to fail.

At the Future Food-Tech Innovation Summit that was recently held in London, cultivated meat industry reps insisted that governments need to get on board.

Mosa Meat Vice President of Global Public Affairs Robert Jones warned that “[t]here’s a valley of death we’re not going to cross as an industry without a massive infusion of public investment.”

For example, Poland recently gave a 2 million euro grant to a company producing cultured meat. In 2022, the Dutch government announced it would give $65 million of public funding to support meat cultivation from cells and the production of animal-friendly dairy.

Proponents of alternative proteins have complained that the USDA has only put $124 million toward subsidizing them, while the USDA has given livestock operators subsidies of more than $59 billion.
xianc78 boosted

Drew Devault has deleted his dotfiles repo on sourcehut and taken completely nuked his peertube instance

Thankfully all the dotfiles repo and his videos on peertube were all licensed CC-BY-SA so feel free to reupload them, it's legal.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Archive dot Org is back up ... and there are some archives I've been meaning to download, but they are restricted/require an account. Obviously I've been hesitant and it seems like it was for good reason.

Archive still won't let you download restricted content, even though their account signup system is still broken.
xianc78 boosted

If you think "the deep state" is just the democrat party, then you are still asleep.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
It's amazing how bad Drew's OPSEC is. Like his dotfiles, an weird fad to begin with, leaking all sorts of just random stuff that frankly people don't need to see.

He's now going around and deleting everything he can. Changing his danbooru username, deleting some his git repos and his peertube instance.

The thing is none of this was like secret private information. It's just him re-using the same user account everywhere, and publicly sharing/faving/bookmarking lolicon. No one has hacked anything, or discovered some secret alternative identity.
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