This is actually an interesting question.
We all know schools in different governments change or focus on certain aspects of history and leave certain ones out to influence how their population thinks about their past.
Is there actually a comprehensive book that goes over the entirety of human history and is mostly unbiased?
@Mr_NutterButter @coded_artist senior year of high school, i got shadowbanned from the school newspaper for an out-of-school discussion with the editor who was struggling with gender identity. she posted something on facebook about how she hated what she saw when she looked in the mirror and i simply said that she should really try to love and accept the person she sees instead of trying to change into something she's not. the newspaper teacher freaked out on me and told me none of that could happen in her classroom or some shit like that, and ever since then i've known that these people are actually fucking insane. i was being as nice as i possibly could and genuinely trying to show someone that i cared and for it, they reported me to the teacher and i never had an article i wrote show up in the paper, even though that teacher specifically scouted me for the newspaper because she liked my writing. i even did an article about climate change and how to be environmentally conscious with a video and everything and it wasn't accepted.
these people want you to fully accept their delusions. they don't want to strive to get better, they want to be comfortable in being worse and drag other people down to their level instead of even meeting them halfway, let alone rising to that standard.
Apparently kamales spent so much money near almost a billion in one week at vendors and other organizations are demanding their payment and full and it looks like Kamala might not actually be able to pay them.
So Trump made an offer that he would pay for half of it or all of it to and I quote unite the country.
In my opinion he should let these people go into that there are political enemies they deserve no mercy. They're not individuals they're massive organizations who work to undermine us.
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