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@applejack @matrix

Something, something, quote from Big Red One, something, something...

"We don't murder the enemy, private, we kill them"

@matana I wish I could spend the day sleeping...

Just like old uni times.

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Aldo boosted

@beardalaxy @matana

Yeah, it was aight. Obv not as good as the earlier seasons, but still nice.

One of the few from the last decade that ended (relatively) well.

@picandor oh yeah, nah, it's ridiculous.

The joke in humanities degrees is that the only benefit a UN internship gives you is that you can put your foot in the door at the various non-governmental organizations (and only after you FINISH the internship). That's it.

You don't actually get any "work experience" (aside from delivering coffees and papers), you're treated as a slave, you're not given a living wage, you have to travel there yourself (and pay), you don't have set hours.

There are people who may think "sure, I'll sacrifice in order to get that on my resume", but for me, it was a straight-up "fuck no, and fuck you".

@picandor the UN doesn't even pay for travel/living when you intern with them.

All they do is give you free coffee. Not even food, just cheap instant coffee.

And even then, you have to be the best (and I mean the best) performer in uni. All to be treated as a slave by a faceless international organization.

Aldo boosted

What is it with people on Pixiv (and now here, apparently) thinking they can totally get away with having a screenshot from a CP vid as their pfp/cover pic?

Why is it that pedos constantly shoot themselves in the foot like that?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Seriously, are you fucking retarded?

@Lolochoppa lol

Ah yes, the pfp change.

I'm not sure if you're a Fed, or just a genuine <100IQ retard.

Either way, absolutely pathetic.


not sure about that, but I'd just like to say, suuuuuper intelligent move to have your cover picture be a trace from a CP vid, and your profile pic be a screenshot from a CP vid.

I mean, you're clearly the smartest person around...

@matana @beardalaxy

I remember this scene from when I was still a teen, and even now, all I can think is

B a s e d

@beardalaxy The trick in that situation is to eat until you get so tired that you basically pass out as soon as you hit the bed.

@matana I guess it depends on the service you're reviewing.

Restaurants, games, films etc... (where reviews are an integral part in business model) fine.

The service I'm talking about is just an apartment finder thing. And the irony is that everyone says to avoid it to begin with.

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