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@Jazzy_Butts haven't seen a MM episode since like 2018 lol

I remember them being aight, able to self-critique, which is a rarity among the "alt/dissident-right" crowd.


From my estimation at least, he's kinda where I was 2015/16-17.

Basically, sort-of racially aware "conservative"ish. Like dipping toes in the deep end after being in the kiddie pool.


I'm just saying, it was a Bibi gag.

My opinion is that with no more restrictions, he is finally being able to say everything he's wanted to say without a filter. He's obv going to end up saying stupid shit, but that's the beauty of finally having the freedom to speak (in addition to think).

Natural, after realizing what's going on. Information overload, and you desperately want to tell others because it's a big discovery.

Yeah, the people he's plugging aren't the best actors, but no one is in the "podcast/influencer/commentator" etc... group.

Of course, the way the article is worded, you'd think Putin was weak and feckless.

In reality tho, and as my previous posts suggest (at least regarding BBC editors), this is all just projection.

The West is a bully who has been punched hard right in the face, and is dazed, confused, and teary-eyed afterwards, almost looking beggingly at their victim who turned on them.

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I think it's safe to say that the Globalist war machine has, for all intents and purposes, broken down.

Today, Biden (allegedly at the increasing private demand of military brass) announced that he'd hold talks.

And what was Putin's reply.

"Kiss my hand"

MPMD has ended the "career" of noted swindler "Liver King"...

....And the only reason it took this long is because he has so many emails to go through that he forgot to check this one from last year...

NATO is admitting that the only thing "uniting" people in prolonging the war in Ukraine is a constant bombardment of alleged war-crimes on the (state-owned) news media. Most likely, this is a set-up (same case in Syria and Libya) so that a "war crime" can be found that motivates Westerners to take drastic actions.

Tail wagging the dog...

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So many questions regarding this report.

1.) Why was it that the media was only being allowed in like 1.5 weeks after the capture to report on it?

You'd think that if there were war crimes, then it would be reported instantaneously for maximum effect.

There were reporters on the ground recently within that time, but they were actually sent away by the Ukrainian government for "disinformation" reasons (btw, these reporters were from CNN -

2.) Why is it that there are no photos, contrary to what happened at Bucha.

Is it because at Bucha, the victims were all placed along the side of the road, many outside their houses, all bound, and all wearing white armbands (a sign of Russian sympathies)?

3.) The way the prisoners were treated is eerily similar to how the Ukrainians have been treating their POW's all throughout the conflict.

Things like beating, exposure to cold, being forced to sing the Ukrainian anthem, renounce Russia and the Russian language etc...

There are (or, maybe, were) copiuous amounts of video footage, from 2014/15 all the way up till now, of Ukrainian soldiers doing this.

Could it be that this entire report is actually itself a "disinformation" campaign, or rather, one big projection?

Big Brain (TM) moment...

Remembering that time the FBI did a report on abuses in Gitmo/Ghraib, and they found that prisoners were being draped in the Israeli flag and forced to kneel and listen to heavy metal music, with the approval of the DHS.

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@matrix Nazism is when you're tired of idiots and retards on the internet
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the longer you look at art, the more you get out of it

the longer you look at AI art, the more you notice how fucked up it is

therein lies the difference

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